I feel sorry for PIC members that lost so much with ABIL. To make matters worse, they chucked money at CML to the tune of 10% at R100 ps after that ABIL loss.

Then Investec came on board at about the same time and bought a hefty lot of CML shares.
So who is wise? I just don't know any more. We have all heard of "clever and stupid" money have we not?
To get to my point. I thought Clever Money was staying out of CML causing it to flatline for months due to
this fact:
The Clever Money realised that the HEPS of 67% achieved for the last period was unachievable for this period so they stayed out causing the stagnation. Only the Stupid Money was entering CML.
Now what is the future prospects? Stagnate with Stupid Money until the next set of results that has to beat 100%+ HEPS of the same period. No chance. So even a worse comparison by far. Another correction looming.
Don't take this as Advice as I have been a moron at investing lately and surely PIC and Investec sees value in CML so a part of me still has some faith in her future. Albeit a small part.