I made some decisions on the beginning of 2016 to go into 10-12 shares off the EE platform
It has not been great and I am learning that picking shares is something at least for myself I am probably going to steer clear of ( in SA at least )
I already have a separate TFSA in which I have DBXWD and BBET40/STXIND ( don't ask me why i split those! )
I have fully subscribed to the TFSA so for extra I am thinking of just going long term into one or a few ETFs and trying to forget about it!
Does anyone have any views on the below?
NewFunds Momentum Equity ETF
BBET40 ( or the new name its just changed into )
Looking for something that is well spread and covers a sector that is relatively set to perform at eats over the next few months
Wishful thinking ?