Author Topic: Anyone here invest offshore?  (Read 31879 times)


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Re: Anyone here invest offshore?
« Reply #30 on: August 11, 2015, 11:39:49 pm »
Orca - a question for you.
I have an opening account form with a broker firm in London (my local brokers have recommended them for my overseas portfolio)
They have given me options of opening the account and having the portfolio reported in either Sterling; US Dollar or Euro. I want to buy shares on the Euro markets but also on the London exchange.
Can one buy shares in a company (as an example) Tesco's in Euros across the London Exchange or can one only buy them in pounds
I would prefer to have a single portfolio currency for the portfolio and don't necessarily want to open more than one account per currency as that becomes messy when reconciling holdings and values
Any pointers would be appreciated   
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Re: Anyone here invest offshore?
« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2015, 10:24:18 am »
A very interesting question and I too would like clarity on it.
I strongly doubt it unless the stock is dual listed in the UK and Germany but then you would require a broker in Germany as well.
The UK not being a full EU member state is still a bit obscure to me so I would recommend contacting your London broker.
I started here with nothing and still have most of it left.