A fair number of analysts are now picking ADH for 2014, and the stock has jumped by about 12% since beginning Jan.2014.
It was sleeping for most of 2013, while COH retuned 70% in 2013, ADH returned 9.9% incl. dividends.
Curro of course seems grossly overvalued with a PE of over 200, and I personally would not want to buy at those levels.
ADH is currently on a PE of 20.
Is anybody invested in ADH, and if so what are your thoughts ?
One thing that baffles me, all those fancy new school buildings, especially with COH, but where do they get the teachers ?
Last I heard nobody is keen to be a teacher in ZA, quite understandable really. School buildings with all the latset equipment
mean nothing if the teachers are not up to it.