Based on this...
In terms of the rights offer, 75,555,556 new ADvTECH ordinary shares (“rights offer shares”) will be
offered to ADvTECH shareholders recorded in ADvTECH’s share register at the close of business on
Friday, 20 November 2015 (“record date”), at a subscription price of R11.25 cents per rights offer
share, in the ratio of 16.59818 rights offer shares for every 100 ADvTECH ordinary shares held.
The subscription price per rights offer share represents a 10% discount to the 30 day volume
weighted average price of ADvTECH ordinary shares listed on the JSE Limited (“JSE”) as at the close
of business on Wednesday, 21 October 2015, being the date on which the rights offer was priced.
I get an ex rights share price of about R12.62. Deduct the rights offer price of R11.25 and you get R1.37 for the value of the nil paid letters.
I would just follow your rights as things stand now.
Record date for the rights offer Friday, 20 November
Rights offer opens at 09:00 Monday, 23 November