Author Topic: Advice needed for building a portfolio  (Read 8617 times)


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Advice needed for building a portfolio
« on: November 04, 2015, 09:49:41 am »

I need some advice on building a portfolio in South Africa. It was easy whilst I lived in the UK, but here the options seem to be very limited.

I want to invest in the following stuff:

- Emerging markets index tracker
- International/Global small cap index tracker (Investec has a fund that does this that I owned in the UK, not sure it is available here)
- South African small cap index tracker (Momentum and Investec have these I think)
- Long duration government bonds index tracker
- Intermediate term government bonds index tracker
- Property index tracker/REIT (Satrix property tracker)
- Physical Gold (NewGold ETF)

Ideally I would like to be able to buy all of the above at the same broker/investment house. Is it possible?


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Re: Advice needed for building a portfolio
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2015, 10:26:45 am »
Can't answer your question but just thought you might be interested in looking into the Proptrax SAPY or Proptrax Ten as alternatives to the Satrix one. The PTXTEN expecially has been performing well and would be cheaper as it is an ETF as opposed to the Satrix one which is a unit trust.


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Re: Advice needed for building a portfolio
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2015, 12:19:36 pm »
The Stanlib SAPY is the same as the Proptrax SAPY, only cheaper!

You're right though MoneyChief, there aren't a lot of options in SA. Sadly no Vanguard like the UK and US has. The majority you're looking for are likely only going to be found in unit trusts, while I think the majority of folks here prefer ETFs.