Author Topic: Advanced Health (AVL)  (Read 22337 times)


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Re: Advanced Health (AVL)
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2015, 12:34:00 pm »
P/E Ratio   43.86

Release Date: 24/02/2015



                                                 Unaudited    Unaudited       Audited
                                                 Six months   Six months   Year ended
                                                  31-Dec-14    31-Dec-13   30-June-14
                                                      R’000        R’000         R’000
Current assets                                     158 961       49 759       164 997
Cash and cash equivalents                          141 154       40 239       143 883
Total assets                                       258 317      100 486       247 535
Total equity and liabilities                       258 317      100 486       247 535
Net asset value per share (cents)                    92.31        55.62         89.00
Net tangible asset value per share (cents)           76.19        55.25         80.30

Revenue                                              92 721      74 677       155 791
Gross profit                                         50 755      37 588        84 348
Earnings per share (cents)                           2.33        4.17          6.44
Diluted earnings per share (cents)                   2.33        4.17          6.44

Notes to the statement of comprehensive income
Headline earnings for the period attributable to ordinary
Headline earnings per share (cents)                  2.33         4.17         6.44
Diluted headline earnings per share (cents)          2.33         4.17         6.44
- Total number of shares in issue(‘000)              221 843      90 467       211 615
- Weighted average number of shares (‘000)           221 615      90 467       120 272
- Diluted weighted average number of shares (‘000)   221 843      90 467       120 273
Reconciliation of headline earnings calculation:
Earnings for the period attributable to ordinary     5 174        3 776        7 740
Headline earnings for the period attributable to ordinary     
                     5 174       3 776        7 740
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year             141 154      40 239       143 883


SOUTH AFRICA                                         13 001         -           7 259
   External revenue                                  13 001         -           7 259

 AUSTRALIA                                           79 720       74 677     148 532
   External revenue                                  79 720      74 677      148 532

During the period under review the company entered into an agreement to develop five day hospitals, one in Gauteng and four in the Western Cape. Construction has commenced on some of these day clinics. The acquisition consideration was settled through the issue of 10 000 000 new shares at an issue price of R1.70 per share.

In Australia, construction of the largest ophthalmic day hospital in the country has commenced. The
six-theatre facility is scheduled for completion towards the end of 2015.

Sundry negotiations with different role players within the day hospital environment are ongoing
and, if successful, will provide Presmed Australia with an improved coverage of specialised day
hospitals in the greater Sydney area. The above initiatives will add further growth opportunities for
the Australian subsidiaries.

The South African activities were focussed mainly on transactions to develop additional day
hospitals, which will be achieved through negotiations with like-minded partners, as outlined in the
pre-listing prospectus.

Management is confident that, by the end of June 2016, the South African subsidiary will be in
control of at least nine day hospitals compared to the current two operational units.

Projects in the pipeline for South Africa include:
- Advanced Durbanville Surgical Centre (under construction, operational Q3 2015);
- Advanced Panorama Surgical Centre (under construction, operational Q1 2016);
- Advanced Soweto Day Hospital (under construction, operational Q1 2016);
- Advanced Knysna Surgical Centre (construction Q1 2015, operational Q1 2016);
- Advanced Waterkloof Somerset Surgical Centre (construction Q1 2015, operational Q1 2016);
- Advanced Worcester Surgical Centre (construction Q1 2015, operational Q1 2016)
- Advanced Groenkloof Surgical Centre (construction Q4 2015, operational Q1 2016)

It should be noted that the R100 million cash raised in conjunction with the listing is held for future
developments which will only start generating income for the group in the next financial year.

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Re: Advanced Health (AVL)
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2015, 02:55:40 pm »
Trading statement

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2013/059246/06)
(“the Company” or “Advanced Health”)
ISIN Code: ZAE000189049        JSE Code: AVL


In terms of paragraph 3.4(b)(i) of the Listings Requirements of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange,
listed companies are required to publish a trading statement as soon as they become reasonably
certain that the financial results for the next period to be reported on will be more than 20%
different from those of the previous corresponding period or from a profit forecast previously
provided to the market in relation to such period.

Shareholders are advised that Advanced Health expects to report that net profit after taxation
attributable to the parent, as per the financial results for the year ended 30 June 2015, has
increased to R15.854 million compared to R7.470 million for the year ended 30 June 2014. The
prospectus issued by the company on 31 March 2014 showed a profit forecast of R14.111 million.

However due to the increased number of shares in issue pursuant to the listing, the earnings per
share will be 7.15 cents for the year ended 30 June 2015 compared to earnings per share of 6.44
cents for the year ended 30 June 2014, representing an increase of 11.02%. The forecast earnings
was 6.71 cents per share, representing an increase of 6.56%.

Headline earnings for the year will be R7.232 million compared to the prior year of R7.740 and the
forecast of R14.111 million. Accordingly, the headline earnings per share will be 3.26 cents for the
year ended 30 June 2015 compared to headline earnings per share of 6.44 cents for the year
ended 30 June 2014, being a decline of 49.38%. The forecast headline earnings was 6.71 cents per
share, representing a decrease of 51.41%.

The reasons for headline earnings being lower than anticipated are as follows:

-      The impact of the strengthening of the rand against the Australian dollar, with
       approximately 87% of the group’s revenue coming from the Australian operations with an
       average exchange rate of R9.55 to the Australian Dollar. The number of patients and
       revenue per patient was slightly ahead of the profit forecast. However, the forecast
       assumed an exchange rate of R10.82 to the Australian Dollar.
-      Higher costs being absorbed with the development of new clinics in both South Africa and
-      The weighted average number of shares increased to 221 614 801 shares from 120 272 415
       shares in the prior year. The increase in the weighted average number of shares for the
       year ended 30 June 2015 is a result of the shares being weighted for the entire year as well
       as the issue of new shares for the acquisition of five companies where day clinics are being

The financial information on which this trading statement is based has not been reviewed and
reported on by the company’s auditors.

The company’s results announcement for the year ended 30 June 2015 is expected to be
published on or about 1 September 2015.

27 August 2015

Designated Advisor
Arbor Capital Sponsors Proprietary Limited

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Re: Advanced Health (AVL)
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2016, 05:12:08 pm »
Does any1 know why this one is getting hammered ?


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Re: Advanced Health (AVL)
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2016, 05:22:50 pm »
Trading statement of the 1st June?


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Re: Advanced Health (AVL)
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2016, 05:44:36 pm »
Look OK ? and it also started tankin before statement. I had it and sold it ...... thinking, thinking  ???


In terms of paragraph 3.4(b)(i) of the Listings Requirements of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, listed
companies are required to publish a trading statement as soon as they become reasonably certain that the
financial results for the next period to be reported on will differ by more than 20% from those of the
previous corresponding period.

Shareholders are advised that Advanced Health expects to report that earnings and headline earnings per
share for the year ending 30 June 2016, attributable to the parent, will reflect a loss position, although the
total comprehensive income is expected to show a gain due to favourable foreign exchange differences.

The main reason for this movement is due to the Company rolling out its strategy to become the leading
provider of day hospitals in South Africa and Australia, with 9 new day hospitals in various stages of
completion in South Africa and the opening of its new flagship 6 theatre day clinic in Chatswood Sydney,
Australia in January 2016.

As is the nature of the roll out of day hospitals, the initial building development of the hospital takes up to
18 months, depending on circumstances for the completion of the construction and the commissioning
process. These hospitals will then require a settling-in period of up to 36 months before the envisaged
financial advantages fully materialise. In South Africa, the company has already developed and opened 5
new day hospitals as follows:

- Durbanville - operational since August 2015;
- Panorama - operational from January 2016;
- Groenkloof - operational since February 2016;
- Worcester – operational from April 2016; and
- Soweto – operational from May 2016.

Other day hospitals are in various stages of construction or negotiation. This has the impact of the group
carrying substantial costs whilst the operations are established. The company is however starting to see a
significant increase in turnover and number of cases in both South Africa and Australia compared to the
prior comparative period.

Accordingly the earnings and headline earnings per share for the year ending 30 June 2016 is expected to
be a loss and more than 100% lower than the earnings per share of 7.89 cents and headline earnings per
share of 4.00 cents for the comparative year ended 30 June 2015. A further trading update will be provided
at a later stage when more certainty is obtained in terms of the range and numbers.
The financial information on which this trading statement is based has not been reviewed and reported on
by the company’s auditors.

1 June 2016

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Re: Advanced Health (AVL)
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2016, 08:45:36 am »
As someone who has no idea what anything here means, prospects for the company sound good...
....New hospitals
....Discovery in partnership
....alot of sick people
....poor healthcare(not much out there at the moment RE: Day hospitals)

BUt why on earth is the share price been diving like a deep sea diver :LHST:? why is the PE so high? what is PE? how does this affect anything?


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Re: Advanced Health (AVL)
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2016, 09:18:37 am »
....New hospitals - Yes
....Discovery in partnership - Kinda Yes
....alot of sick people - Yes, but if u do not have money, you do not have money
....poor healthcare(not much out there at the moment RE: Day hospitals) - they are building in RSA and Australia

PE : -

The price earnings ratio, often called the P/E ratio or price to earnings ratio, is a market prospect ratio that calculates the market value of a stock relative to its earnings by comparing the market price per share by the earnings per share

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Re: Advanced Health (AVL)
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2016, 09:42:02 am »
It might be that the new figures are not in line with the prospectus issues on listing (I'm too lazy right now to check).

IIRC ... AVL was always a long term play.


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Re: Advanced Health (AVL)
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2016, 10:00:28 am »
It might be that the new figures are not in line with the prospectus issues on listing (I'm too lazy right now to check).

IIRC ... AVL was always a long term play.

Agree - long term play

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