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Messages - marguerittereed

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Shares / Re: Coreshares Preftrax
« on: October 26, 2015, 08:53:26 am »
I am not sure if I am right, but if you look at individual preference share prices, they are very static, very slight up and down over a year.  I am thinking of starting a new portfolio with only preference shares... Has anyone done this and how financially successful are the preference shares.

Shares / DIVTRX
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:02:10 am »
DIVTRX .274 cents - LDT: 2015-09-17

Shares / Re: Which one is your pick?
« on: October 15, 2015, 09:47:01 am »
Isn't it ironic (or conspirarcy) that the big institutions that bought IPO shares before listing were the ones that made the most money yesterday!! The small guys have to pay premium price!! Sorry not interested..

I am with Absa stockbrokers. Got paid 09/10..

Off topic / Little bit of humour
« on: October 12, 2015, 02:31:46 pm »
Courtesy of Sanlamitrade

Off topic / Re: Dividends - Rands or cent
« on: October 12, 2015, 08:40:28 am »
Thank you that makes sense. I thought I would be very rich this month.. Can now go and buy some coffee!! haha

Off topic / Dividends - Rands or cent
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:58:19 pm »
The dividend declarations are very confusing, some companies will say 292.3025 cents, are these figures R292.30 or R29.23 or .29 cents. Very confusing for this newbie :wall: :wall: :wall:

Shares / TFSA - New Regulations (Maybe)
« on: October 08, 2015, 01:26:03 pm »

Found this very interesting reading!!

A THREE-year-old government discussion document titled Incentivising Non-Retirement Savings flags some good and some bad news to be expected in coming budget speeches.

The good news is a transition period of about two years is envisioned during which you will be allowed to bypass the R30,000 a year deposit limit on the tax free savings accounts (TFSAs) introduced this year, depending on how old you are. People 65 and older will be allowed to transfer the full lifetime allocation of R500,000 in one go, those 60-65 years old will be allowed to deposit three-quarters of the lifetime limit, 50-59-year-olds one half and 45-49-year-olds a quarter.

The bad news is this is to compensate savers for doing away with interest income exemptions of R23,800 if you are under 65 and R34,500 if you are 65 or older.

"The interest income tax exemption thresholds will be phased out during the transition period. Such phasing will take account of the needs of pensioners who are currently dependent on interest income, and will only be implemented after the consultation process has been completed," the discussion document says.

The Treasury economists who authored the document provided some history to the incumbent system of not taxing interest earned up to a certain limit and concluded: "The existing interest income exemption is not an effective instrument for encouraging savings amongst low- to moderate-income taxpayers."

The original thinking behind allowing people to earn interest up to a certain limit tax free was not to encourage saving, but to simplify tax administration. According to the Treasury, in the 2008 fiscal year not taxing interest income "cost" government about R3bn.

"In order for incentives to be cost-effective, the amount of new saving generated must be more than sufficient to offset the costs to government of revenue foregone."

A key concern of government policy makers, which is a recurring theme in the discussion document, is that the incentives should encourage "new savings" among poorer households rather than "asset shifting" by the rich.

The architects of the TFSAs studied systems implemented in three countries — Belgium, Canada and UK — before concluding the UK’s individual savings accounts (ISA) system was the best role model.

"The higher participation rates by higher-income earners appear to be less acute in the UK’s ISA model than in others. While there does seem to be some level of asset shifting in the ISA model, there is evidence of new saving that was created," the study found.

The local TFSAs are not an exact copy of ISAs. For instance, the UK encourages its citizens to invest in equities by making it a rule that only half the annual cap of £11,280 can be held in a cash account.

One of the big successes of the UK’s ISAs, which the TFSAs do seem to be replicating here, is to bring more transparency and competition to the stockbroking market. When I started this column a couple of months ago, a key gripe was the unaffordable fees charged to small investors. Besides rolling out TFSAs, more retail investor friendly products like exchange-traded-fund-only accounts have been launched by Absa Stockbrokers, something I would have started with if I had had the option a few years ago.

« on: October 07, 2015, 08:54:10 am »
I agree, he seems to have all the answers before anyone asks him the questions!!!!

« on: October 06, 2015, 03:46:16 pm »
strange but true.. AngloGold Shanti up 5.72% today.  Maybe they read the same article and are trying to stay at no 38.. :LHST:

« on: October 06, 2015, 02:38:42 pm »
I saw the article in Moneyweb this morning. What does this mean to the share price??

« on: October 06, 2015, 02:02:43 pm »
I have 3 Resources shares - AngloGold Shanti - up 10.66% since purchase
Goldfields - up 10% since purchase and
Aquarius Platinum - up 22% since purchase

I have only invested very small amounts, getting my feet wet - approx R15000.00 each.

I am very nervous of Resource shares in general... burnt my fingers badly with the Sanlamitrade competition.

« on: October 06, 2015, 11:06:31 am »
JOHANNESBURG – Neal Froneman has taken another step towards transforming Sibanye into a significant producer of Platinum Group Metals (PGM’s) with the announcement on the 6th of October to purchase the entire issued share capital of Aquarius Platinum. This could represent yet another step in Sibanye’s ambitions of becoming South Africa’s mining champion.
The offer has been made at $0.195/share, which based on yesterday’s rand/dollar exchange rate translates to R2.66/share. The board of Aquarius has unanimously endorsed the offer.
The transaction will allow Sibanye to consolidate the operations of Aquarius – which include the Kroondal and Mimosa mines – with those of the Rustenburg operations it recently acquired from Anglo American Platinum.


Shares / Re: Newbie Questions
« on: October 02, 2015, 04:27:01 pm »
Thanks for all the information!!!
Have a stunning weekend!!

Shares / Re: Newbie Questions
« on: October 02, 2015, 08:58:52 am »
Thanks for all the replies

I am not working at the moment, my husband works overseas and gets paid in Dollars. My primary job is investing / growing the money that he sends to South Africa. I thought that I would start 3 different portfolios..
Long-Term Shares - Dividends
Trading Shares - Buy and Sell to gain more money to reinvest.

Started trading shares on JSE 3 days before the market dropped in August.  I am very happy to say that as of yesterday, I am in the profit.!! Very proud of my shares, they have struggled and not given up!!

I spend a lot of my time researching, researching and researching once again!! It has been an amazing experience!!

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