ABLP ABL 201406110050ADisclosure of significant holding of ABIL ordinary sharesAFRICAN BANK INVESTMENTS LIMITED(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)(Registration number 1946/021193/06)(Ordinary share code: ABL) (ISIN: ZAE000030060)(Preference share code: ABLP) (ISIN: ZAE000065215)(“ABIL” or “the company”)DISCLOSURE OF SIGNIFICANT HOLDING OF ABIL ORDINARY SHARESIn accordance with the JSE Limited Listings Requirements and section 122(3)(b) of the Companies Act 71 of2008, shareholders are advised of the following:The Public Investment Corporation Limited has today, notified the company that accounts under itsmanagement has increased its holding in the ordinary shares of ABIL from 14.815% to 15.052%, based onthe total issued shares of the company, being 1 501 093 232 shares.Midrand11 June 2014
ABLP ABL 201406100006AABL/ABLP-Disclosure of significant holding of ABIL ordinary sharesAFRICAN BANK INVESTMENTS LIMITED(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)(Registration number 1946/021193/06)(Ordinary share code: ABL) (ISIN: ZAE000030060)(Preference share code: ABLP) (ISIN: ZAE000065215)(“ABIL” or “the company”)DISCLOSURE OF SIGNIFICANT HOLDING OF ABIL ORDINARY SHARESIn accordance with the JSE Limited Listings Requirements and section 122(3)(b) of the Companies Act 71 of2008, shareholders are advised of the following:Sanlam Investment Management (Pty) Limited has, on 9 June 2014, notified the company that accountsunder its management has increased its holding in the ordinary shares of the company from 4.86% to 5.08%,based on the total issued shares of the company being 1 501 093 232 shares.Midrand10 June 2014
DISCLOSURE OF SIGNIFICANT HOLDING OF ABIL ORDINARY SHARESIn accordance with the JSE Limited Listings Requirements and section 122(3)(b) of the Companies Act 71 of2008, shareholders are advised of the following:Coronation Asset Management (Pty) Limited has, on 21 January 2014, notified the company that accountsunder its management has increased its holding in the ordinary shares of the company from 19.94% to20.19%, based on the total issued shares of the company being 1 501 093 232 shares.Midrand22 January 2014
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