1. What services from a broker, for you personally, would validate a 1% a year managed portfolio fee over investing in something cheaper like an ETF?
No Idea.
2. If you do have a broker, what do you like/dislike about your interactions with them?
I have a Broker, have good relation with him. I make my own decisions, I phone and indicate buy / Sell. He is however my firewall, he advises me from buying to much risky shares i.e. African bank. He does however allow me to buy a small % of my portfolio on risky stuff. I have met him once, at Rage (Gaming Expo), for coffee. He also taught and helped me to buy Tesla / Tencent offshore.
3. If you do have a broker but you manage your own portfolio, what brokerage services do you still make use of?
Advice - I can phone and ask what do they think of a particular share. I think they can offer more online stuff. i.e. better graphs and so on.
4. What services would you like to see offered by brokers which you are currently struggling to find?
Hugs and a Red bull when your shares fall more that 10% on a particular week . . .
5. Anything else I should know about?
Yes, stop crying about NPN being such a big % of the JSE and crap on the other companies for not being so big. If I hear another Broker saying NPN is too large I will throw my piece of Bitcoin at him. And another broker comment, BTC is a fraud and will crash, I do not know anything about it, I need to read about it this weekend.