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Messages - gcr

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Off topic / Re: Taking Money legally offshore
« on: August 23, 2018, 01:25:54 pm »
Surely if he posted on March 17th and then again on March 20th it should have incremented by 1 over the March 17th post count ????

Off topic / Re: Taking Money legally offshore
« on: August 23, 2018, 10:13:55 am »
Patrick - JP posted on March 17th; March 20th; August 22nd; yet the post count remained at a constant 6.

That's what I'm querying

Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: August 22, 2018, 02:25:58 pm »
Here's a curiosity which I have difficulty fathoming and I have just picked 2 fairly recent share listings

AYO came to market a little while back and has had a high of R 45.00 and is now trading at R 26.00
SYGNIA - also came to market not too long ago (I hold some of their shares) has had a high of R 14.73 over the last 12 months and is now languishing at R 9.50 - I bought at R 11.88 (all in) so have suffered a paper loss of 20%.

The question I am raising is that these companies come to market with somewhat high hopes/inflated ego's as to what the real worth of their businesses are really worth - surely advisors have some common sense to advise these companies that their expectations are too vaunted

Off topic / Re: Taking Money legally offshore
« on: August 22, 2018, 02:16:09 pm »
Maybe I'm being pedantic but then I did do statistical analysis as a subject long ago
JP has post a few times relative to this subject yet his posts still reflect 6 posts - I looked back to about March
Any reasons for this anomaly?


Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: August 17, 2018, 04:18:40 pm »
Why does your nose "run" in English but in Afrikaans it "walks" (loop)?
Must have something to do with urgency

Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: August 07, 2018, 11:16:22 am »
And yet again a further drop of 2.8%. The single largest shareholder is S Shabalala who holds 9.4% and he is the CEO - must be wondering what he and the company have to do to move the share price positive. Its high over the last 12 months was 1050 so where it is languishing now is way off its high tide mark - however the last few days have represented a buying opportunity

Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: August 01, 2018, 01:11:43 pm »
How I long for the days when we no longer have bedtime announcements destroying the currency...
How I long for Cyril the squirrel to grow some 00's - fairly obvious that the NEC is opposed to his leadership

« on: July 30, 2018, 05:53:22 pm »
Woody - make contact with a broker and maybe they will be able to tell you what happened with each company - insolvent, name change, acquired by another company etc

Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: July 16, 2018, 11:40:18 pm »
The JSE has been on a downward spiral since January 25th 2018 - at that date the ALSI hit an all time high of 61580.59 as an index today it closed at 55442.04 a marked retracing in value :'( :'(

Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: July 09, 2018, 06:31:36 pm »
Well if it's news you want then maybe you need to read the following for SA context:-
Business Day;
Daily Maverick:
Mail & Guardian

I access these sites frequently throughout the day and then draw my own conclusions
For fun I read Daily Mail UK for a bit of fun and laughter
For international news (share related) I read London Stock Exchange and

Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: July 03, 2018, 12:04:18 pm »
Hi Administrator - please have a look at the leader board I have been frozen at the same number 188 for a considerable length of time (since just after opening). Maybe the counters prices may not be updating correctly :'(

The Investor Challenge / Re: Crypto
« on: July 02, 2018, 09:56:06 pm »
The old adage applies "you pays your money, you reap your rewards". This obviously applies in movements upwards or downwards. Personally I would rather go to the casino and play the slot machines than cryptos, though my sons would disagree with me :LHST:

Shares / Re: Just like 2008....
« on: June 27, 2018, 12:23:52 am »
There will always be market corrections economies are cyclic it just depends whether there is a significant event whilst the economies are going through bull territories. I was in banking in 1969 when there was a major correction and have been through all highs and lows since then. In 2007/8 the fall in the markets was substantial some bourses showed drops of 30% in a day but by 2009 most of the markets had recovered whilst others were in recovery. By 2010 my share value was back to what it was prior to the collapse and my portfolio dropped R .5 million over 4 weeks. To my mind our market has already suffered a partial correction - the ALSI has dropped from a high of 61684 on 23/1/2018 to its current level of 55254.67. Markets are to say the least skittish but we would need a major event to get back to a 2007/8 type market crash. There was a graph which released about 18 months after the 2007/8 crash and it showed how quickly the markets recovered after the event. It also illustrated that since about 1903 after each major correction markets tended to achieve higher highs but didn't ever achieve lower lows. Also if I recall correctly if you took the worst crashes versus the peaks still over the period back to 1903 the market improved by 18% over the period in real terms
So the market is a bit scary at the moment and I do believe we will have further short term corrections, should one sell one shares and exit the market - I don't think that's wise. One way of hedging your bets is to sell portions of your holdings and then consider buying back when the prices have dropped to a level you are comfortable to enter the market again

Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: June 19, 2018, 09:18:27 am »
Daily low - so far R3184.27 - and the entire market dipped

Shares / Re: Getting out of an RA ( Liberty ) !
« on: June 17, 2018, 10:56:46 pm »
I don't think that you can get your money out, the option may be to suspend payments (do it correctly through the company) and end up with a deferred pension to age 55. At that point you can convert it into a Living Annuity and then draw down 17.5% p/a to exhaust it as quickly as possible and then have the funds forwarded to your destination country.
Maybe others can comment if they have counter arguments

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