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Topics - chrisdebeer

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Shares / Tools and software applications for beginners
« on: May 15, 2014, 12:15:45 pm »

I have been monitoring and doing research on trading with shares for almost 6 months now.  Since I started I have been harassed by these software companies trying to sell their share trading platform almost weekly. The one is better than the other.  I currently use moneyweb and sharenet to monitor the shares I selected.

Before I start trading in about a years time I want to get the feel of it and make an informed decision.  I do except their are risks and one of them will be my own stupidity/lack of knowledge/ignorance.  Do I have to buy one of those applications and/or are their any alternatives.  Note: I do not want to trade in Forex, only in South African Companies.

Where do I start and would you recommend training courses or seminars?


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