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Messages - Patrick

Pages: 1 ... 541 542 [543] 544 545 ... 550
Shares / Re: Gold & Gold Shares
« on: May 17, 2013, 10:51:03 pm »
You can just paste the URL, I have a video plugin that embeds automatically  :)

Edit: I've been out-thunk  ;D

Shares / Re: South Africa Top 40
« on: May 17, 2013, 12:53:32 pm »
I see the satrix40 portfolio is sitting in 39th place out of 267. Seems to be confirming the view that the majority of people shouldn't try to beat the market  ;D

It'll be interesting to see how it ranks come year end.

The Investor Challenge / Here's the total fees paid by all members!
« on: May 16, 2013, 05:16:32 pm »
If only this was real. Interestingly, the bank would be well near the top of the leaderboard. Take a look below, I've got an up to the minute total of all the fees collected, what a business to be in, pure profit!

The Investor Challenge / Re: Percentage gained
« on: May 16, 2013, 10:55:38 am »
I got done in here. Lost 1 day and close to 2% trying to register via android tablet.
Patrick. You owe me 2% boet. :)

Haha true, you should be in the top 3, no idea why you couldn't register. You've had a quick climb up the charts now that mta is also performing.

Shares / Re: CML
« on: May 16, 2013, 09:32:15 am »
My small portion of CML has done rather nicely since I first bought.

If I took Orca's advice when we first connected a long time ago I'd be heading for the beach now ;D

The Investor Challenge / Re: Percentage gained
« on: May 15, 2013, 01:13:24 pm »
I seem to think that there is an error with your percentage calculations on the shares page. Just looking at lament's portfolio, his overall percentage is higher than any of the 2 individual shares he has - technically this is not possible. The overall page's percentage looks right to me. Am I missing something?

Sounds logical doesn't it! Fortunately my maths defeats your english  8)

While what you're saying appears to make sense, you need to remember that all the shares weren't bought at once. So if he bought more of a share that was doing well in month 2 of the competition (woolworths in his case), his average cost of that share would have gone up, and his percentage growth on that share gone down. But with the share continuing to rise he would have made more money than if he didn't average up.

I did just this yesterday in reality buying CML in the mid R57 range while my previous purchase was at R47. My percentage gained on CML now looks lower, but my portfolio gain is up in rand terms, and that's where it counts.

Here's the maths for lament:
(562 932.54 - 500 000)/500 000 * 100.

I'll send you a bill for the extra lessons  ;)

Ok after all that and I did find a calc error. The % gain on the per share level was underestimating by a small amount. Fortunately that figure isn't used anywhere. It's been fixed, school fees will be refunded  :o

The Investor Challenge / Re: ETF vs the world
« on: May 15, 2013, 12:16:14 pm »
I was hoping to see more of this, the other is a purely satrix40 profile (highlighted in red). I'm also a firm believer in ETFs and hold most of my portfolio in real life in ETFs and unit trusts. In the game I'm trying seeing whether I can beat the market. So far so good (with a generous helping of luck)... :)

Shares / MOVED: ETF vs the world
« on: May 15, 2013, 12:12:28 pm »

Shares / Re: Long term investments
« on: May 14, 2013, 09:57:45 pm »
Could you reprimand vodacom for me while you're at it. It's my only stock still in the red... >:(

Shares / Re: CML
« on: May 14, 2013, 11:21:48 am »
That's better Mr CML, keep heading in that direction. Wish I got some more in the R55 range but I was also too early...  8)

Shares / Re: CML
« on: May 14, 2013, 08:52:32 am »
Any comments on this mornings SENS? Good looking dividend! Some of the points below.
- Assets under management of R409 billion
- Diluted headline earnings per share of 163.4 cents
- Interim dividend per share of 163 cents

Assets under management increased by 21% to R409 billion (September 2012: R339 billion), driven by total net inflows of R21.9 billion and rising global markets.

Excellent investment performance and a substantially increased asset base led to a 62% increase in revenue to R1 475 million for the six-month period. This resulted in an increase in diluted headline earnings per share of 88% to 163.4 cents (March 2012: 86.7 cents).

If the effect of Secondary Tax on Companies (STC) in the comparative period is removed, as a result of the introduction of Dividends Tax (DT), the increase in diluted headline earnings per share is 72%.

Accounting for projected cash requirements, an interim gross dividend of 163 cents per share has been declared, resulting in a net dividend

of 138.55 cents per share for shareholders subject to DT.

my holdings are hidden, but i really don't mind them being open! the difference i feel is one of just a little annoyance. The reason i chose to keep them hidden are in fact non other than feeling embarrassed in the even of making bad decisions, but in reality i don't mind them being visible.

Just one question though, how did we come about the duration of two weeks? could you perhaps make it a month, since then it doesn't undermine our distinct choices at the monthly interface? that way we would in fact be two months ahead of the competition, since we only buy into shares and not sell.

BTW Patrick, love the COMPETITION :-) its always interesting to see who is where on the leaderboard and their opinions.

Glad you're enjoying it. I think part of the fun is that you can see what the others have done, so if you can see others I think it's fair they can see yours...

I asked around and had answers ranging from no delay to one month delay (interestingly nobody said any more). I just went for the middle. I'm happy to discuss it, so let's hear from the rest.

I really can't see why one would want to hide ones stocks other than to keep people from copying them the following year. Are we not here to learn and get tips and stuff?
I for one would benefit as I use historical performance in my choice of stocks.

It seems some didn't want to show how little they knew, while others were gambling on penny stocks. I agree though, the comp was made for learning, opening it up makes sense to me, the two week gap is for people who might want to avoid being copied.

No, the leaderboard will be live, cash on hand and net worth will also be live, but the actual shares owned will be delayed by 2 weeks (only if you have selected that option on your holdings page).

Dear members,

A number of people raised some very good points regarding the issue of hidden holdings. If we look at the numbers, 27% of members are hiding their holdings while the remaining 73% do not. It seems clear that the majority feels that the competition should be opened up.

In order to allow some leeway, the current proposed change to the system is to show holdings, but to delay the holdings by 2 weeks where the member has previously indicated they would like to hide their holdings.

If you have strong feelings about this please debate that in this thread.

Unless some very good counter arguments are received, this change will take effect on 1 June.



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