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Topics - Patrick

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Shares / MOVED: ETF vs the world
« on: May 15, 2013, 12:12:28 pm »

Dear members,

A number of people raised some very good points regarding the issue of hidden holdings. If we look at the numbers, 27% of members are hiding their holdings while the remaining 73% do not. It seems clear that the majority feels that the competition should be opened up.

In order to allow some leeway, the current proposed change to the system is to show holdings, but to delay the holdings by 2 weeks where the member has previously indicated they would like to hide their holdings.

If you have strong feelings about this please debate that in this thread.

Unless some very good counter arguments are received, this change will take effect on 1 June.



The Investor Challenge / Challenge closing date for 2013
« on: May 09, 2013, 10:41:51 am »
This notice might be a little premature, but I like putting the cards on the table early.

Obviously the end of the competition is going to mean I need to do some admin work before the next round kicks off. So either I'll have to end the comp a week before the end of the year, or start the next a week after new year. My suggestion is to close the competition on Friday 20 December and use that days leaderboard as the final standings. That way the new challenge can kick off as soon as markets open on the 2nd on Jan 2014.

Off topic / Spammers spammers everywhere!
« on: May 02, 2013, 12:19:34 pm »
Fortunately I have some code in the system that checks every signup against a central spam database. So far nobody has gotten through, but in the brief time that it's been running...

1204 Spammers blocked up until today

Mostly from eastern europe.

The Investor Challenge / May's money is in.
« on: May 01, 2013, 09:51:35 pm »
Everyone should have another R100 000 in cash. So who's going to stay in cash or what do you plan on buying this month?

Shares / Help the newbies
« on: April 30, 2013, 01:44:30 pm »
A bunch of the competition users are clearly new to investing so I'd like to include some advice to the newbies in the email when the monthly deposit email goes out every month.

For the first month I thought of explaining how buying less than R30k worth of shares means you pay an excessive amount in fees.

Any other ideas as to what I could use in future months? Something which seems like common sense to us might be useful to a newby.

The Investor Challenge / 100 people now competing in the challenge!
« on: April 24, 2013, 02:44:54 pm »
 We've just had the 100th person start trading in the challenge  8)

Not too bad I think! There are another 50 or so who are sitting on their money, either not keen or picking an entry point.

Off topic / MOVED: investor challenge
« on: April 24, 2013, 08:38:41 am »

The Investor Challenge / New feature requests go here
« on: April 23, 2013, 04:06:40 pm »
Aragon had a great idea on adding the purchase price of the shares and the % growth on the holdings pages which have been done. If anyone has some more ideas please let me know.

Obviously there's a cost-benefit to everything, so don't be too upset if it doesn't happen, but if it's a good idea I'll do my best.

Shares / So what are people buying
« on: April 23, 2013, 10:14:03 am »
One of the cool things about running that competition is that I can do some data mining. Call me a geek, but I love data. The first interesting piece I thought I'd look into, is what are people putting their money into. So here's the list of the top30 shares, and how much money was sent their way. Looks like Orca has been promoting CML quite well :)

Obviously we're working with a small set here,  with 42 participants, there's a total of just under R17m that people could have spent.

CML    1085017.6000
SAB    851485.4400
SGL    820938.5400
MTN    590895.8000
APN    588954.7500
PNC    508734.8000
OML    439934.4000
CPI    428710.0000
BIL    409717.6800
ACT    345937.5000
LON    345760.2000
AVI    317433.6000
AGL    307071.0000
MTA    286474.5400
KIO    278594.4000
NED    266349.6000
SOL    228303.9000
CFR    226580.9000
HAR    221250.0000
WHL    220425.9400
DSY    216742.8000
KAP    205800.0000
ELI    203100.1600
STXDIV    175745.4400
NPN    170522.9000
JDG    168000.0000
ABL    166091.8000
OCE    165025.0000
MDI    162400.0000
OLG    159874.0000

Ok let's go. I see jaDEB's taken an early lead with his 100% sibanye gold portfolio, followed by 100ways who holds 7 shares. I'll be joining in soon, hope to see the rest of you there.

The Investor Challenge / The challenge has begun
« on: April 17, 2013, 12:09:42 pm »
The time has come to launch the challenge. The first official day is Monday the 22nd April 2013. The site is currently available and ready for testing on

Feel free to play around with the site and familiarise yourself with it. The database will be wiped clean on Sunday night, and all trades from Monday will be official!

Please share this information with your friends, colleagues, facebook, twitter, or anywhere else you can think of!

As usual, comments and constructive criticism is welcome.

Shares / Wanted - testers for the competition
« on: April 15, 2013, 08:55:23 pm »
I think it's about ready to go, but I know better than releasing untested code onto the masses  ;D

So I'm looking for volunteers to give it a quick run through. 

No need to worry about making wise choices now as I'll be cleaning the database before the real go-live date, so you can be as brave as you like. Even as far as buying some Telkom!

If you're keen to help reply here and I'll add you to the private challenge section.


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