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Messages - Strive

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Off topic / Re: Retirement annuity - what's the consensus?
« on: December 11, 2015, 08:14:14 am »
As a matter of fact, I've transferred my RA to Sygnia -  I've chosen the Skeleton 70 index fund, with a TER of 0.4%.  By far the best option, as far as I could tell, seeing as this is a 20 year commitment. Although, with the passing of Nene and the subsequent glimpse of the incoming future, I really am wondering if there'll even be anything left a couple of decades from now. Happy Friday! :P

Off topic / Re: Retirement annuity - what's the consensus?
« on: November 05, 2015, 07:15:07 pm »
Hi Patrick - are you the Patick from the investor challenge blog? That's some interesting reading right there, and pretty much the first South African viewpoint of early retirement I've managed to find - sweet!

As for the tax free savings account, man, my financial advisor didn't seem so keen on them. I've reading about them, on your site and others, and yeah, they look like insane vehicles for investing. I guess he didn't recommend one because he wouldn't get to take his cut of it, but I'm certainly going to be looking at them closely now. If I had to open one up now, with, say, Easy Equities, would I be able to pump in R30K before the end of the year without running into any penalties?


Also, checked out that spreadsheet - that's a marvelous piece of work, and it looks like I'm in a slightly more precarious position than what I thought  :P Taxes are a bugger.

Off topic / Retirement annuity - what's the consensus?
« on: November 05, 2015, 03:00:03 pm »
Hey everyone - newbie investor here. Been lurking for a while, but I've decided to participate a bit and see where that ends up.

I am thoroughly confused as to what to do with my RA. I've had one for years now, but the fact that I can't touch it until I'm 55 burns me deeply. I'm 32, and I plan to retire well before then, and I can't help but think that having the money now to invest as I please might outweigh any benefits that an RA provides.

What would you guys do? Do you keep the RA, pump as much as you can into it and take advantage of the tax benefit, as well as carry on investing in equities/property/what have you? Or do you cancel the RA, get the money out, take the hit, and then pump it into other investments? Or is that just a terrible idea, as every financial advisor I've spoken to seems to believe?


On rereading this, I realize this is a tad open-ended  :P No one can say for sure what to do without a lot more information. I guess I'm just looking for people's opinions here, as opposed to any hard and fast rules. What have others done? What worked, what didn't work, that sort of thing. If the consensus is, RA's all the way, then that's great :)

Off topic / Live chat
« on: November 05, 2015, 02:27:13 pm »
Haha, please ignore that, mistook this for the search bar

Off topic / Live chat
« on: November 05, 2015, 02:26:50 pm »
retirment annuity

Pages: 1 [2]