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Messages - Orca

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Shares / Re: My retirement blog.
« on: January 03, 2019, 11:27:11 pm »
The latest news on Brexit is the following:

EU nationals and their non EU spouses can enter and live in the UK but can only register on the new online system from 29 March. They have until 30 June 2021 to enter and apply. Cost is €65 per applicant. No financial details will be asked and private medical insurance will apply. Once you have received pre settled status you will have access to state healthcare and social benefits.

Should the Brexit deal fail then you would have to enter before 29 March to get the above and the cutoff date will be 30 December 2020 to register.

Now that is only for EU citizens as the UK must still apply EU immigration regulations until the Brexit Transition Period ends on 30 June 2021 or 30 December 2020.

If you are a British national then it is a different kettle of fish. The UK government seems to dislike their citizens to import foreign spouses. Rightfully so as most are imported by settled Asians and north Africans that import all their relatives as dependants.

This applies to natural UK citizens too. No discrimination. UK citizens cannot apply the more lenient EU immigration regulations when resident in the UK or returning. The draconian domestic immigration laws will apply.

A UK citizen wishing to import a foreign spouse will have to earn at least £18 600.00 pa and if the application is from outside of the UK then the finances of the spouse will not be considered.

However, the spouse can enter the UK with a cheaper visit visa and apply from within the UK. Then both incomes and savings/investments will be considered.

The visa will cost about £1 400.00 (citation needed) and the surcharge on healthcare will be £400.00 per year for 5 years.

Sucks for British citizens.

Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: January 03, 2019, 10:03:09 pm »
Hey Mr Divi. I have not yet relocated to the UK and it will not be Wales. It will be the Garden of Eden known as the Cotswold. Cirencester is the capital and we are in the process of buying a home with our daughter who insists on us living with her should we perhaps get old.

You, as a UK national and a non EU wife will have problems relocating your wife to the UK. Very much more than I will as a non Brit. I can explain it all on my blog if you wish.

Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: January 02, 2019, 06:13:37 pm »
#Mr. Divi. If I remember correctly either you or your wife has a UK passport. Am I correct?

Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: December 31, 2018, 11:00:33 am »
Andrew ran out of ink.

Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: December 06, 2018, 03:00:28 pm »
 FTSE tumbles 2.3% / Emerging markets rebound - Citywire investments today.  :wtf:

Shares / Re: Buyer: Mind the Gap - Don't Buy the Dip
« on: November 20, 2018, 09:42:31 pm »
It will get back to normal. It always does and the Baby Boomer's kids will see to that.

Let me tell you my story that I have already told here before your time and the older members may recall it even from the old Sharechat forum.

I was invested in a single stock after the 2008/9 market crash. I did this as I lost 45% of my managed retirement portfolio and was determined to get my money back. The stock being Coronation Fund Managers...CML.

We had a few market corrections since the crash so I was so nervous and afraid to loose money that I sold on every correction and dip and bought back the same stock after.

I do not have the exact figures available but I do know that CML had a gain of 1 650%....Yes. One thousand six hundred and fifty percent over 3 years.

Had I stuck it out I would have made R12M but as I sold and tried to time the markets I made a mere 25% of that.

So you do what you wish to do.


Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: November 20, 2018, 08:57:09 pm »
Seems we have broken below the end Oct support level so a double bottom may be in the pipeline. With the zar drop plus the ALSI drop, it adds to about 4% today. This is bad.

Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: November 19, 2018, 10:25:52 am »
No yozzi. I make a point of not looking at stocks I have sold. I sold at around R87.00 and have no wish to know the price now.

Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: November 09, 2018, 12:19:58 pm »
It is quite normal for profit taking to happen after a short bull run.

Shares / Re: My retirement blog.
« on: November 08, 2018, 03:34:37 pm »
Yes it is a major concern of mine especially as my wife is a cancer survivor and must have 1 PET scan per year and 1 ENT Oncologist exam.

Nobody seems to know how the UK NHS will work after Brexit or even now for EU nationals. I suspect we will need a private sickness cover as we will not be working.

Working EU nationals would not need private insurance. Non EU members that will work need to pay a surcharge of £ 400.00 when applying for the visa.
A 5 year visa for a family of 4 non EU members will now pay £ 8 000.00 for the visa and it will include the surcharge.

UK immigration laws change so fast as negotiations advance so what I said yesterday may not apply tomorrow.

The home loan has been secured so there is no turning back. The present tenants have until end of January to move out.

Shares / Re: My retirement blog.
« on: November 07, 2018, 04:10:13 pm »
In most EU countries you will get temporary residence for 5 years and if you renew it you will get permanent residency.
We have been here just over 4 years and if we relocate to the UK then we would not be able to renew our Portugal residency.
Also, residency expires after 2 years of absence if you have not become a citizen.

Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: November 01, 2018, 03:32:24 pm »
Investors scooping up "Red October Crash" bargains and not only on the JSE.

Shares / Re: My retirement blog.
« on: October 26, 2018, 07:35:47 pm »
Two good news out today.

The mortgage on the UK property has been accepted. It is in what is known as The Garden of England. The Cotswold. Prince Charles has his farm and shop there. A very picturesque county with luscious greenery filled hills and dales. No wonder it has a price tag of R4.3 M for a 2 bed semi detached.

The Secretary of State has said he will waive the requirement for compulsory Comprehensive Sickness Insurance (CSI) soon. He has to as EU workers are frustrated and leaving in droves with the abounding rumours and fake news of arrests and deportations.

Many of these workers are in key posts such as nursing and hospitality has been particularly hard hit as locals are not inclined to do minimal salary jobs. Unemployment benefits are better.

So now we have to wait for my wife's eye surgery appointment and then we off once again. Hopefully we won't get deported as it is still a slight gamble.
I cannot go back to SA as my residency permit has expired. It expires automatically after an absence of 2 years.

We cannot go back to Portugal as our residency will expire next year. They will have to deport my wife back to SA and me to Finland. We will have to then have a Skype Marriage.  :LHST:   


Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: October 25, 2018, 03:05:03 pm »
The ALSI has slipped by 20% in the past 9 months. The TOPI has done nothing in over 4 years. In my book that is called a correction. We should see a bottom soon and then up again at last.

Shares / Re: Hot Tip - BLU
« on: October 21, 2018, 10:26:49 pm »
BLU has been in a confirmed bear run for a long time with no indication of a reversal. Until there is a confirmed reversal with the appropriate signals I would not touch it. I am not saying it is a bad choice as most SA stocks have been in a bear run for 4 years.

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