« on: August 15, 2016, 06:18:18 pm »
I could not handle the summer heat there. Much like Grootfontein and Kuruman except the Algarve has no rain in summer.
Most of the beaches are in coves and not accessible for old folk. Too steep to walk back up.
Northern Portugal is about 20% cheaper than the Algarve with food and housing but except for Porto, there are very few expats and few Portuguese understand English.
Food is about 4x more expensive in the UK and housing about 3x more expensive.
Some interesting facts while I'm here:
Portugal is the second highest consumer of wine in the world. For a tiny country that's heavy going.
Except for banks, most businesses work from 9 to 2 pm and from 5 to 8 pm. For this reason the pubs and restaurants only start filling up after 10 pm and close at 3 am. People take their kids and dogs for walks after midnight.
Portugal, Spain and Hungary have the lowest percentage of locals that understand English. About 25%. This will change as Portugal has now started English as a compulsory subject from grade 4. French was a compulsory subject for many years.
Portugal has the most sophisticated banking system in the world. They also have the most ATM's per capita and are even found in residential areas.
Their Multibanco ATM's can be used for paying anything from fishing licenses, tax, foreign bank withdrawals etc. They even have Windows OS internet banking ATM's.
Since Portugal legalized personal marijuana use, the drug problem has ceased. You can openly smoke weed here but not many people do but I have seen some.