« on: September 21, 2016, 10:46:07 am »
@saints. You have to calculate the base cost yourself. I use the weighted average method but you can opt for the First in First out method.
Weighted Average: Add all the "Due By You" amounts on the contract notes and divide by the total number of shares. This will be your Base Cost. No need to work out costs as the "Due By You" amounts already includes this. When you sell, you use this base cost multiplied by the number of shares sold.
FIFO: Not recommended. You sell the first tranche that you bought first at the Base Cost you calculated.
Each batch will have a different Base Cost. If "Sell" amount is more than your first batch then you will have to use up the first batch and do a new calculation at the base cost of the next batch and so on. Very tedious method.
Tip: Keep a folder for each share for the Contract Notes and do your calculations in Excel and file it. Discard the Excel sheet when you top up the share and print an updated one. I will post an example of mine soon.
SARS has a Residence Based system so I pay no CGT to SARS.