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Messages - Orca

Pages: 1 ... 150 151 [152]
Shares / Re: Long term investments
« on: May 06, 2013, 06:17:39 pm »
MTA not doing well lately but charts show that it should bounce back up again as of now if markets allow. If not, then I will sell and buy more CML and some OML on dips.
CML made a dip today but not enough. Normally if it dips just before close, it corrects back up the next day. This time it had a series of sales just at close that carried on after close???. Not sure how that works but will see tomorrow.

The Investor Challenge / Re: The challenge has begun
« on: May 03, 2013, 06:27:08 pm »
I'm sure Patrick is a school principal. He entered every pupil in this competition hence the 200+ entrants and only 4 posters on the site. ShareNet, after years has only attracted +- 20 entrants. :)

The Investor Challenge / Re: The challenge has begun
« on: May 03, 2013, 06:13:27 pm »
OK, ok, this is my story. 1st my screen goes blank, then before my screens comes on again I go blank, and fall of my chair. I have increased my medication, but is seems to do nothing. Thus I asked the IT department to have a look.
Tell the IT guys to look down by the bottom. They will find you there.
Get seat belts for your chair. Perhaps a parachute as well because falling from that great height you were at to the low you are at now in a split second will make one go blank.

The Investor Challenge / Re: The challenge has begun
« on: May 03, 2013, 05:54:20 pm »
One may suspect the administrator of some back-hand dealings in the database here.....?
 :) ;) :D ;D 8) ::)

Luckily my profile is public :)

It's getting lonely here in the 6% level. Not even anyone in the 5% level to keep me company. Must admit it was a fair amount of luck as I wasn't expecting CML to shoot the lights out like it has. On the plus side, it could have been my skill in avoiding resources!
You just lucky that I had trouble signing in for the competition and lost out some with CML. I would have been quite near you.

Shares / Re: Any thoughts on Invicta Holdings
« on: May 02, 2013, 09:19:25 am »
I see Sanlam's top picks for 2013 include IVT and my 2. CML and PNC.

Shares / Re: Today's Outlook
« on: May 01, 2013, 07:53:12 pm »
No Lehman Bros scenario repeat so no big retractment as in 50% as the other forum states.  A correction yes, but no repeat of the 2008/9 crash.
May has been a bad month for 3 years but we have lived through it without much damage. What will cause it? We have had bad news many times since the crash but revived very quickly.

Shares / Re: Help the newbies
« on: May 01, 2013, 07:20:01 pm »

A good calculator that shows your costs for selling and buying.

The Investor Challenge / Re: investor challenge
« on: April 30, 2013, 05:25:07 pm »
I just had a bright idea over a cold one. To limit competitors that punt their Grand Parents, Parents, Siblings and other elderly people's pension money into a Penny Stock gamble, the lowest 20% of the entrants must pay Patrick R150.00 at year end. Most of them will be here anyway. Then Patrick can pay the winner 10% of the takings. 

Shares / Re: Help the newbies
« on: April 30, 2013, 03:42:58 pm »
The risks of Penny Stocks. Volatility and Liquidity.
Case in point. RSATrader right at the bottom gambling with R400k in 1 Penny Stock.

Shares / Re: Help the newbies
« on: April 30, 2013, 03:06:52 pm »
How tax can eat up a huge part of your gains if you sell within 3 years. CGT or Income. Are you trading or investing?

Shares / Re: Devastating market crash. When ?
« on: April 28, 2013, 07:16:15 pm »
Here we go once again. Over the years I have seen these negative posts and charts that show an imminent Double Dip about to happen and this made me sell all and stay in cash. I am now so sorry that I did that as nothing ever happened. Looking back now I could have made at least R400K more if I had not listened to the BAD news and charts. Always climbed back in at a loss.
They might be right this time but I have not seen any fundamentals to compliment the charts for the BIG RED TIDE.

Shares / Re: Can you actually beat the market?
« on: April 26, 2013, 08:12:42 pm »
You must realize that fund managers are restricted by the FSB to be more conservative to protect the investors. The average is about 20% if the markets allow.
If you cannot do that then I suggest Satrix Ind. Does about 30%pa. It has been proven over time that Equities gain the most.
Most guys here except jaDEB have been doing 50 to 80% pa.
Not bragging but I am pleased with my 60%.

Shares / My biggest share boo boo.
« on: April 23, 2013, 07:14:04 pm »
I got very clever last week while I was investing in liquid stocks. I decided to place Alerts for my 3 stocks with SMS"s to my cellphone. The first 2 went ok I think. The liquid stocks must have kicked in with my PNC as the next morning my cell went off and continued going off with messages that stated "PNC sold at xxx". WTF I thought.  What's going on here. Grabbed my tablet and connected to my broker site. Eish. No internet due to thick mist. Phone goes off again and again. Grabbed it and phoned my broker and found out that I had a Sell instead of an Alert for PNC. Closed the Sell via my broker. R81K sold and I tried to keep to SARS 3 year thing.
Started buying back in again as it went lower and finished at a R250 loss.

The Investor Challenge / Re: The challenge has begun
« on: April 22, 2013, 03:24:17 pm »
Got it. was in too much of a hurry. Using my tablet without my specs also doesn't help.

The Investor Challenge / Re: The challenge has begun
« on: April 22, 2013, 03:00:12 pm »
Where my money? It shows nil.

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