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Messages - Hamster

Pages: 1 ... 31 32 [33] 34 35 36
Shares / Re: TFSA Portfolio Allocation
« on: February 08, 2016, 12:57:56 pm »
Sitting in the same boat. At the moment my TFSA is 33% DBXWD and 66% STXIND. Not sure if I should keep it weighted like that or push the next R30k all into STXIND. Problem I have with STXIND is that there is that the top three holdings make up more than 50% of it.

That said, the top 3 holdings are Naspers, SAB and Richemont all with offshore exposure.

Another option is to play it safer and go with a Top40 like MAPPSG (I'm still looking for a reason not drop my RMBT40 in favour of it).

Off topic / ABSA Stockbrokers vs EasyEquities
« on: February 06, 2016, 02:29:17 pm »
So the second year of TFSA's are coming up, I've decided to move some of my investments away from the likes of Stanlib. I've been using EWEfor quite a while and I like it (save the massive portfolio value one can see from tbe office across the road).

Thing is, we are starting g to talk about much larger sums of money than the TFSA's and other speculation investments on it. Do any of you use ABSA's platform? I'm talking specifically their ETF Only and TFSA offerings.

Which platform of the two would you use for the above?

PS: I played with the ABSA demo account, feels more "financial".

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Shares / Re: Which Top 40
« on: February 05, 2016, 05:10:00 pm »
You'll still pay dividends tax I'm afraid...
Bah, well, small issue to it however disappointing.

So what do I do - looks more diversified and shows marginally better growth.

Shares / Which Top 40
« on: February 05, 2016, 03:45:41 pm »
So I've been investing in FNB's Share Saver every month from when they first started. Basically gives me equal RMBT40 and RMBMID shares every month.

So I've been looking around and I found MAPPSG -

Its makeup:
Cach (6.92%)
Equity (73.82%)
Govi Bonds (9.04%)
Infl Linked Bonds (10.22%)

Dividends are automagically reinvested. I guess no dividends tax then?

So the question is do I take out a sizable chunk (lets say 70%) of my Share Saver and move it to MAPPSG (one the EE platform)?
Do I take out the full 100% and invest in MAPPSG rather (is MIDCAP worth keeping)?
Do I leave it as it is.

I have STXIND as maybe some double investments.

Shares / Re: BNPUSA tracking better than DBXUS
« on: February 03, 2016, 09:31:14 pm »
This made me think then of any SA ETN's which are backed by SA banks ( ABSA? ) a downgrade could be a bit negative!
NEWUSD, NEWEUR are ETNs by ABSA. They track the USD/EUR vs RAND exchange rate. Cheap way of hedging against the Rand falling in value. Not very profitable (at sll?) in the long run imo.


Sent from my LG-V490 using Tapatalk

Shares / Re: BNPUSA tracking better than DBXUS
« on: February 03, 2016, 04:05:21 pm »
Never heard of these (BNP) before. Looks very attractive.

« on: February 02, 2016, 07:42:42 pm »
For what it's worth. my TFSA is made up of STXIND and DBXWD (60:40)

I'll most likely continue with that this coming year and bring in PTXTEN. Distribute it STXIND:45 DBXWD:35 PTXTEN:20

Or something like that

Shares / Why is Curro taking such a beating?
« on: January 26, 2016, 10:08:14 am »
I realise everything is taking a beating on the JSE but from R58 to R44 in less than a month....for a company building schools?!

What am I missing?

Shares / Re: STXIND vs DIVTRX
« on: January 23, 2016, 09:53:24 pm »
Anybody know when DIVTRX is paying out again?

Saw a sens on twitter yesterday. Let me find one quick.

Here it is:

+- 16 cents
EE paid the dividends to the investment account on Friday and to the TFSA this morning

Shares / Re: Where to put some money i just got
« on: January 23, 2016, 09:52:10 pm »
With the way things are going right now - 7 day call account or something earning you some interest but guarantees your capital...for now at least.

But then as stated above, check investor challenge - I'm somewhere close to the bottom.

Shares / Re: Manufactured Dividend
« on: January 23, 2016, 09:48:54 pm »
Saw it as well. No idea what it means. Maybe it's some sort of cumulative sum because it is an ETF (DIVTRX in my case) paying a dividend?

Shares / Re: STXIND vs DIVTRX
« on: January 19, 2016, 08:26:41 am »
Anybody know when DIVTRX is paying out again?

Shares / Re: How does the satrix indi do so well?
« on: January 19, 2016, 08:21:44 am »
So too SAB

45% just in those two

Shares / Re: Dividend ETFs
« on: January 06, 2016, 03:47:14 pm »
cents. and they pay quarterly - amounts do vary.
I see. Cents per share which would explain why it is better than STXIND

Shares / Re: Dividend ETFs
« on: January 06, 2016, 03:33:47 pm »
STXIND's share price is 3x more than DIVTRX. For the dividends to be equal for both, then STXIND has to be 3x more cents per share (cps) and it is not as your figures show. STXIND is significantly lower.
So what do those numbers indicate? 27.26 what vs 46.06 what?

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