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Messages - Aragorn

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11]
Shares / Re: Gold & Gold Shares
« on: April 19, 2013, 11:35:06 am »
jaDEB - you gotta be smiling today....?

Shares / Re: LDT
« on: April 17, 2013, 02:08:09 pm »
LDT - Friday !9th April

Company                                      PayDate            Amt     Curr
Fairvest Property (FAIRVEST)      2013/04/29   0.86   ZARc
Intu Properties  (INTUPROP)      2013/06/04   10   GBPp
JD Group Ltd. (JDGROUP)      2013/04/29   115   ZARc
Mpact Ltd.   (MPACT)      2013/04/29   50   ZARc
Old Mutual plc (OLDMUTUAL)      2013/05/31   5.25   GBPp
Sanlam Ltd. (SANLAM)      2013/04/29   165   ZARc
Sanlam Ltd. (SANLAM)      2013/04/29   50   ZARc
TeleMasters Hol (TELEMASTR)      2013/04/29   0.5   ZARc
Trencor Ltd. (TRENCOR)      2013/04/29   360   ZARc
Vividend Income (VIVIDEND)      2013/04/29   27   ZARc

Shares / Re: Wanted - testers for the competition
« on: April 16, 2013, 04:00:30 pm »
A few more items that may need attention -
At cash holdings of R400K, buying @ 260 per share allows you to purchase up to 153230 shares. Calculate it out and you have available cash of R 8.41 thereafter, so you could have bought 153233 shares. Seems you calculate the max shares allowed based on the max comm you will pay on the total available cash holding. Not a major issue.
At cash holdings of R 94.86 you appear to allow the purchase of 1049 shares @ 9cents - Seems you are not taking the minimum comm of R120.00 into consideration at clculation of what you can purchase. (You do prevent the actual purchase from going through though). Not a major issue either.
My previous blog comment is no longer viewable - was it cleaned/deleted?

Nothing else to report, all other calculations appear in order (although I have not bombarded the site with all variations).

Great job. :) :D 8) ;D

Shares / Re: Wanted - testers for the competition
« on: April 16, 2013, 02:34:36 pm »
Maybe I'll bring it in for a vote once people actually start using the site.
Second that
I update every 10 minutes, from the JSE website
Will start checking the calculations, etc immediately then. Can you clear all my data from your database so that I can run a scenario please?
Also - I assume you deduct the fees from the available cash holdings and you are not incorporating this as a negative in the value of the shares.

Shares / Re: Wanted - testers for the competition
« on: April 16, 2013, 12:51:32 pm »
Good stuff - will continue to check in my spare time and will advise if anything else is noted. Just some further comments -

all comments need to be approved so we should be ok on the spam front
Are you sure you want to be spending all day approving/rejecting blog comments? Would it not be easier if only registered users were allowed to add, and then remove moderation/approval from this?
for now I've shortened the time, I could remove the words completely, but I prefer to see something other than a blank screen
Perhaps add some additional wording and Centre it on the screen after a few line breaks - e.g. "Your purchase is being saved. please be patient", or something similar may look a bit better than just "Saved".
I need to plan a go live date. Any thoughts?
I would still like to validate the calculations etc., e.g. purchase fees and price updates. Suppose that can only be conclusive after the overnight price update (I am assuming you update on the daily close?) I would recommend a start date of 1st May (with R500K if you'd like) if all else is equal. That should also give you enough time to "advertise"? However, knowing developers - you'd want this live today if possible - gotta show off the work  :)

Shares / Re: Wanted - testers for the competition
« on: April 16, 2013, 11:11:17 am »
Picked up 2 possible bugs  :-[ and a few other issues that you may want to have a look at and address in need.

High   Unregistered users can add comments to the Blog.   To prevent spam, recommend that only users who have logged on can post comments. Users not logged in can only view.
High   You can purchase fractions of shares.   Bought 0.5 and 0.0111 of a share
Low   You cannot see what shares the other players hold.   Not sure if you want to keep the selections confidential, but it would be great to see what others are holding (i.e. Where did the leader get it right...)
Medium   Previous winners not provided for.   You should have a tab to view previous years winners/runner ups/etc.
Nice to have   Leaderboard to show % Growth.   I believe it would be a good idea to show the % growth of the portfolio on the leaderboard.
Nice to have   "Out of style" screen shows once you have purchased shares.   The screen provided (for a few seconds) after your purchase of shares is not in the same style as the rest of the site. It's just a white screen displaying "Saved" in the top left corner. If on a slow connection the user may think a problem is evident. Would be better if the screen either did not display during the "write" process, or displays with the same CSS as the rest of the site.
Nice to have   No Lines between holdings.   It would be advisable to have lines seperating each row in the holdings, especially if one has multiple shares.

Shares / Re: Wanted - testers for the competition
« on: April 16, 2013, 10:14:06 am »
I'll give it a go - being a Tester in my day job has it's benefits.

Believe you can get such from but such does require a subscription.
If you have a Standard Bank OST account, such data is also available.

Shares / Re: Post your portfolio!
« on: April 12, 2013, 12:05:11 pm »
Thought I'd share mine


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