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Messages - Aragorn

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Shares / Re: FNB Share Saver
« on: June 05, 2013, 08:38:47 am »
What is the standard bank version of the share saver called?
Hi MickDee
SBSA has ASI or Auto Share Invest through it's Internet Banking Option. Has around 110 shares/ETF's to choose from and has reduced fees when compared to it's OST (Online Share Trading) offering.
Pros - Great for startup investors, has a monthly "debit order' type facility, reasonable fees allows for lower capital investments each month.
Cons - Purchases are only done on 25th each month, Sales only concluded on Fridays, all trades done at Market rates, restricted number of shares to choose from.
I used it for for about 7 years initially to build up my capital before switching to OST.

Shares / Re: Long term investments
« on: May 31, 2013, 08:36:59 am »
I have also taken a big knock these past few weeks, mainly in Property (GRT) and Insurance (MMI)  :'( But I shouldn't complain too much as they have done pretty well over the past few years that I have held them, and I don't plan on selling anyway. Contemplating adding more at these levels.

Shares / Re: New compound interest calculator
« on: May 29, 2013, 08:11:31 am »
Nice one Patrick. However, did you consider that the annual investment amount should also increase with at least the rate of inflation if not more? Considering that the price of smokes and DSTV subs also increase annually.

The Investor Challenge / Re: investor challenge
« on: May 24, 2013, 08:36:42 am »
Perhaps a suggestion to our fantastic administrator for an improvement that would negate exceptional items in this penny stock issue.
When shares are bought, one cannot purchase more shares than what were actually traded for that item in the previous (or current) trading period. That would prevent someone from investing 200K is a share that only traded 20K. That should level the playing field a bit without preventing someone from actually investing in such items.

Shares / Re: CML
« on: May 17, 2013, 01:35:13 pm »
MMM.... Was also hoping for a further drop today (looking for the right/nice price to accumulate), but sadly (gladly) she's up by over 3% so far.

Let's have the vote for private or non-private. I believe that all portfolio's should be visible - it is afterall just a game. And to insinuate that someone does not want another to see their portfolio is a bit pie in the sky, as you only really want to check on some of the top guys as to "how did they get that right" or 'what did they buy to give them a boost". You can't then go and replicate their portfolio as it will be too late in the game - the profit has already been made.

Regarding Penny shares - I agree with a number of the posts here, but we can't have it both ways. There are many solutions to solve the issues listed, and we can't have them all. One example - We need to consider if we should limit the trades to only liquid shares or do we continue with all shares. If we decide on only liquid shares, Patrick will have an admin nightmare in trying to maintain a list of liquid shares. What if a liquid share becomes illiquid? how do we treat those who had already purchased it - do we now refuse them the option to add more of this share to their portfolio - do we dump them for cash at last price? Where do you draw the actual line between liquid and illiquid? Who will monitor this? The will then be endless debates on those "marginal" items - are they liquid or illiquid. If we stay as we are with all shares, we then live with the consequences of "lucky punts".

I do believe that the competion may require additional refinement to make it more realistic, but as long as we are all playing on the same field with the same rules, then all things are equal.

Shares / Re: LDT
« on: May 08, 2013, 03:14:43 pm »
Neat idea Patrick - How far in the future should we list these? Currently we are listing for the week ahead only, but data is available for a good many weeks ahead.

Shares / Re: CML
« on: May 03, 2013, 11:15:24 am »
Orca's gotta be really smiling -
7 trading days = 8.91% move (so far)
Today up over 1.5% (so far), whilst other financials seems to be heading the opposite direction

The Investor Challenge / Re: The challenge has begun
« on: May 03, 2013, 08:50:51 am »
One may suspect the administrator of some back-hand dealings in the database here.....?
 :) ;) :D ;D 8) ::)

Shares / Re: LDT
« on: April 29, 2013, 09:02:26 am »
LDT - 3rd and 10th May

Company    Decl         LDT         Pay         Amt         Curr
AMAPS        12 Apr     03 May    13 May    30.00      ZARc
PSG            15 Apr     03 May    13 May    78.00      ZARc
DCENTRIX  16 Apr     10 May     20 May    12.02      ZARc
OCTODEC  25 Apr     10 May     20 May    78.70      ZARc
PREMIUM   25 Apr     10 May     20 May    66.20      ZARc

Shares / Re: FSR vs SBK
« on: April 25, 2013, 02:11:59 pm »
Thanks JhbMaverick and Moonraker. Definitly food for further thought.

The Investor Challenge / Re: investor challenge
« on: April 24, 2013, 10:41:16 am »
It would be beneficial to only be able to trade in liquid shares, but that would bring on extra admin on the part of Patrick who would need to maintain a list of liquid shares as opposed to a feed of all shares - same with suspended items. This could then become a daily task and I believe a waste of effort. I don't believe that those who will only buy into illiquid stocks will see a continual rise in value over a year - i.e. attempt to get bragging rights by winning the competition.
I second Krypt0n1te in what he states regarding measuring oneself against ALSI. It may be a competition, but I feel its against yourself (your current actual investment activities) vs what you could have done.

And 85 punters entered so far - well done.

Shares / FSR vs SBK
« on: April 23, 2013, 11:07:55 am »
A family member has given me a small sum with instructions to invest in either FirstRand or Std Bank. I know that there are better bets out their, but being family, I know better than to argue this decision ;D. The question is, which one should I go for? Being a long term investment, I am tempted more towards SBK, due to "my perceived" :-\ better fundamental value and Divi return.
Do any of the Forumites have an opinion as to which of these two would be preferable as a long term purchase?

if anyone knows of other shares to remove from the list please let me know
AGI is currently suspended

Shares / Re: LDT
« on: April 22, 2013, 12:29:01 pm »
LDT - Fri 25th April

Barworld 6% Pref - 6.00 c
NTC Pref - 349.66 c
SBR003 - 135.00 c
Zeder - 4.00 c

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