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Messages - JAPalmer

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Off topic / Live chat
« on: January 03, 2018, 10:10:16 am »
15th, will have to get my investing cap on this year :D

Shares / Re: Sygnia ETFs coming
« on: January 18, 2017, 09:42:57 am »
The new Sygnia 4th Industrial Revolution fund will be out soon (might even be out already, haven't checked our site) which will be a cheap way for SAns to invest in the Alphabets, AAPLs, MSFTs etc

It is available, crazy fees though...

Shares / Re: How I made 2 Million dollars
« on: January 15, 2017, 01:34:47 pm »
Really enjoyed reading that  ;)

« on: December 22, 2016, 01:59:12 pm »

What would your views as a decent income growth ETF vehicle for SA?


Patrick , i like your idea of not picking single stoicks for fear of being wrong :) what would be your choice here? i remember some past discussions on here talking about DIVTRX ... is this still the preferred SA ETF?

DIVTRX and PTXTEN since their aim is to provide income.

CSEW40, CSTOP50 and NFEMOM are all geared for capital growth. Personally, I got rid of my Top* index ETFs and swapped them for NFEMOM. My TFSA consists mainly of DIVTRX and I'll move more and more of my TFSA investments towards DIVTRX and property ETFs when the market favours me getting rid of the INDI.
Never saw the question jon, but I think Hamster has listed pretty close to what I would choose if income was my goal. Just before moving my cash offshore I was putting it all in DIVTRX.

Hey Patrick,

Was your reasoning for DIVTRX because you were not planning to stay in SA?

Shares / Re: TFSA Portfolio Allocation
« on: December 18, 2016, 07:05:33 pm »
A disadvantage of holding Deutsche Bank MSCI World in a TFSA account is you do not get the full benefit of not having to pay government’s 15% dividend withholding tax.

Deutsche Bank’s response to my question on how dividend withholding tax worked on its range of blue-chip exchange-traded funds (ETFs) was: "Section 64 (n) of the Income Tax Act provides for a rebate to be deducted from the local dividends tax payable in respect of a foreign dividend if that dividend was subject to foreign tax."

As far as I understand that, it means the dividend taxes are already deducted in the US or wherever, so you do not get as much tax savings from holding them in a TFSA as you would by escaping the full 15% tax on dividends from local companies.

Aside from the tax issues, the MSCI World tracker is not particularly attractive from a dividend perspective since its dividend yield is only about 1.7%, placing it fairly low when ranking ETFs by their dividend or interest payouts.

There we go, clear as mud. Might have to get some one to compare the dividends received in and out of the TFSA.

I'm trying to read up on this but the link you posted isn't working?

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