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Topics - Jaco

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Introductions / Hello
« on: February 04, 2020, 09:19:42 am »
Hi, I'm Jaco

I've recently (September) became interested in my personal investments, because my mortgage is nearly paid off. On a near monthly basis I paid extra into that account and have to do something new with my extra money now.

My first step was buying some shares on the JSE. Then I borrowed "The intelligent investor" from the library, which I should've done first. The book made me look closer at the fees charged for my RA and I subsequently move it to a company that charges a lot less annual fees. I've sold the shares (made a minuscule profit) and learned that I will have to invest a lot more time gaining knowledge to go the individual share route.

Currently I'm putting extra money in tax-free investments and I also want to invest in low cost, offshore index funds.

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