« on: November 16, 2021, 07:00:35 am »
Few people can get there on their own - because like with most other things in life, your financial belief system is set by the time you are five years old.
By this time, you will have noticed your parents' spending / saving trends. You will have internalized their 'financial language'. Words and phrases like 'Credit card', 'saving', 'increase the mortgage', 'payday' etc will all be part of your mindset.
Consider husband and wife discussing the newest, latest large screen television. The Jones's have got it, it is the latest, we need to get one.
And right there lies the problem. Little Johnny now starts learning that he must have the latest and greatest, because it can do x, y, and z. Little Johnny is taught to go to school, get good grades and get a job.
Compare this to the language of a kid growing up in a household where money is understood.
Consider husband and wife discussing compound interest, investment techniques and strategies. Little Johnny might even learn words and phrases like 'rental units', '30 day call accounts' and the like. In this household, chances are that Little Johnny is probably taught how to save too.
So, the basis of a firm financial foundation lies probably in parenting.
As for the 'How To' of a firm financial foundation, that will need a separate post.