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Messages - Broke(r)

Pages: [1] 2
Off topic / Re: Live chat
« on: April 25, 2016, 10:55:57 am »
@Fawkes I saw that this morning and thought yikes! This one as well

Sobering stuff... and that from a supposed 'best in industry' player...

I've been looking at exactly the same trend over the last week... and am thankful.

Shares / Re: Peregrine
« on: January 26, 2016, 04:12:26 pm »
DBX very bad dividend payers!!!

Hehe - also true, but our beloved ZAR made up for all of that!

Shares / Re: Peregrine
« on: January 26, 2016, 04:01:55 pm »
Thanks! Yup - in it for the long run I suppose.
I guess it was time for me to learn that it would be unfair to expect two CML-like bull runs in rapid succession...

However, I also believe that PGR is well (best?) positioned to capitalise once (when?) the tide turns. For that I ported virtually everything (a little too late) from CML to PGR.

Learnt some expensive lessons as fall-out from a greedy binge in Q3-Q4 last year.
I do believe that everything I bought are good shares that will stand the test of time... just frustrated that I could have picked them up for a lot less now.

And then of course there's my DBX'ers staring me in the face... laughing at me for not going with my gut at 13.50 to the $...

Shares / Re: Peregrine
« on: January 26, 2016, 11:42:15 am »

what price did you buy pgr???

Sorry only saw this now...
Bought PGR at just about R30... thought it was a bargain at the time. promise.

So: can someone tell me - are we still acquiring 'good quality shares at a good price'?!?!  :frustrated:

Not even this well-designed index/ETF with its counter-revolutionary name can outperform the gross incompetence of our so called 'leaders'...

Cry, the beloved country...

I'm losing rational hope at an exponentially increasing pace.

Shares / Re: Peregrine
« on: December 11, 2015, 11:38:42 am »
Negative 8% so far for the day...  -12% for the week...

Thinking back on the day I purchased PGR, my alternative was DBXUS...

This will take a while to make-up... if ever.
Thank you SA Inc.


Shares / Re: Peregrine
« on: November 13, 2015, 12:21:37 pm »
A return of 30% for this year is not to be scoffed at. My benchmark is the INDI25 or STXIND has had a return of 20% in this time frame. The ALSI was much less at 5%.

I know - which together with some solid technicals and operational model is exactly the reason I switched from CML to PGR.

But this is my view:

Time the market, they say... Make some money, they say... :-[

I realise it is temporary and there's ongoing good news supporting them, so I'll ride it out. It just hurts n the short term  :frustrated:

Shares / Re: Peregrine
« on: November 12, 2015, 09:51:03 am »
MoneyWeb Article today on Peregrine: backing what Orca and others have been saying all along.
Especially in the light of CMLs performance-fee based struggle, PGR looks to be by far the more sound investment going forward.

If only the share price will start to reflect this!

Shares / Re: Peregrine
« on: October 22, 2015, 02:12:15 pm »

And now?
What was IAM's holdings before?

"... shareholders are advised that Peregrine has received notification from Investec Asset
Management Holdings Proprietary Limited ("IAM") of the disposal by IAM, on behalf of its segregated
clients, of Peregrine shares such that IAM´s total beneficial interest, on behalf of such segregated clients, is
now 9,875% of Peregrine´s total issued ordinary shares, including treasury shares."

I see it's not major... was just above 10%
I'm a little sensitive about this one as it has just started to grow a pair this week- not yet ready for another dip...

Shares / Re: Peregrine
« on: October 22, 2015, 02:02:11 pm »

And now?
What was IAM's holdings before?

"... shareholders are advised that Peregrine has received notification from Investec Asset
Management Holdings Proprietary Limited ("IAM") of the disposal by IAM, on behalf of its segregated
clients, of Peregrine shares such that IAM´s total beneficial interest, on behalf of such segregated clients, is
now 9,875% of Peregrine´s total issued ordinary shares, including treasury shares."

Shares / Re: SAB
« on: October 15, 2015, 05:50:36 pm »
I'm wondering:

If SAB on its JSE listing has already (or will soon) reach its ceiling on the anticipated deal...
and the 'mega-bru' transaction could take ages to complete...
therefore the ultimate de-listing of SAB could take ages to be finalised.
with its current market cap and zero to little growth prospects in the light of the recent events already priced-in, SAB will potentially lock-out a large percentage of many indexes with dead weight (think STX40, STXIND), causing some sideways action which the rest of the counters will have to try and somehow outperform...

So buying into one of these indexes today, might have some very unsatisfactory performance due to the sheer amount of potential non-performing SAB...

Or am I completely wrong?

Shares / Re: Peregrine
« on: October 15, 2015, 01:02:57 pm »
Still waiting in anticipation for PGR to turn... Losing a little faith I must say...
I'm 11% down and counting.

The 3-month view versus its peers not looking good at all - even worse than CML from which I sold out to move to PGR...;JSE:CML;JSE:PCT&cmptdms=0;0;0&q=JSE:PGR&ntsp=1&ei=p4QfVuHKMMSGmAHWso-QCg

Shares / Re: SAB
« on: October 14, 2015, 12:55:29 pm »
From what I heard (apparently) there's about another R 100 of upside in the share, with some risk of shareholders getting nervous and bailing early... Like I did.

Shares / Re: SAB
« on: October 13, 2015, 09:07:10 am »
It is done... although very conditional at this point.
Only time will tell whether this will be good or bad.

Well, I made my bed...

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