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Messages - kavesh

Pages: [1]
Shares / Re: RA and fees
« on: March 18, 2020, 01:18:14 pm »
The process to move can take about 2 months.
I moved a preservation fund from Liberty to 10x recently and thats how long it took.

What may be a better option for me is to stop the debit order on the Sanlam RA and start a new RA of same value debit order.
Would just need to see what the implications with Sanlam would be. Just need to get away from the high fees!

Shares / Re: RA and fees
« on: March 17, 2020, 06:31:28 pm »
So I am keen to move my RA, which is not large to possibly Sygnia. I asked for a quote and it seems based in the funds I selected fees will be around 0.42% still way better than the 2.75% Sanlam is charging.

With the markets taking a blood bath at the moment, I feel hesitant to move. Although I am not cashing out but merely switching to possibly Sygnia. Should I wait for markets to stablise or would you say move now and at least save on the fees?

Guy, what are your 2020 thoughts on type of TFSA one should look for. With so much volatility at the moment, one is tempted to go with cash at 6.89% with investec.
In the longer term ETF's should out perform cash by a mile, question is which ones to pick now.
Also do you guys prefer the rand cost averaging method, i.e. fixed amount invested monthly or a lump sum upfront?

Shares / Re: RA and fees
« on: March 13, 2020, 09:23:16 am »
Thanks for the leads.

Outvest seems to charge a flat R4 500 till your investment reaches R2 250 000, then its a flat 0.2%

Sygnia according to their website is 0.2% if you use their ETF's, otherwise its 0.4%.

Will research some more on these and revert

Shares / RA and fees
« on: March 12, 2020, 01:16:53 pm »
Call me a late bloomer.....I have not considered how fees impacts your investments until recently, and the impact is huge!

I recently moved my preservation fund from Liberty(2.97%) to 10X (1%) and hope in the longer term this will be a good move.
I also have a Sanlam RA which is charging high fees , 2.7%, I want to move that as well.
I could go the 10X route but don't want to have all my eggs in one basket. Any ideas on where I should look to? On another thread there was mention of a Nedgroup RA at less than 1%.
Btw I prefer dealing directly and not have to go through a broker.


Introductions / Hello
« on: March 12, 2020, 12:50:47 pm »
Hi guys

Kavesh here from PMB. I stumbled across this site and cannot believe I did not see it before.
I enjoy dabbling with my own investments and always looking for better ideas.

I hope to read the threads daily and learn from guys that have been doing this much longer than me.


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