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Topics - Trafulha

Pages: [1]
Shares / Measuring Share Portfolio Performance (Accurately!!!)
« on: July 19, 2016, 05:05:47 pm »
Hi All,

I've just recently started trading on the JSE and have my stock broking account with Standard Bank Online. I'm trying to put a system together so that I can each month (independently) measure how my share portfolio is actually is doing relative to the JSE market. Essentially, I want to be able to take my monthly broker statement, input the information into my system and then see how my share portfolio is performing. I want it to be as super accurate as possible and take into account as many factors as possible, even right down even to the VAT that I pay on each trade I make. Just looking at one's monthly broker statement is NOT GOOD ENOUGH! Bottom line, if I can't measure it, then I'll never understand it...and I will lose money!

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