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Topics - dieWerner

Pages: [1]
Shares / Standard bank
« on: August 23, 2016, 12:54:04 pm »
Can someone smart help me understand what happened to JSE:SBACI from yesterday to today???

Shares / Post brexit cheap buys
« on: June 24, 2016, 10:34:52 am »
Ok, so with the Brexit going on and almost all stocks free falling (except gold) what would be a cheap buy? I see TAS took a massive fall, also STXIND, so I bought some more STXIND for my TFSA with cash I kept in the account in cash something good happened...

I also bought a small Shackleton basket at Easy Equities yesterday, and EVERYTHING went red this morning, some falling by as much as 18%... Thinking that today is the day to buy buy buy. And since it's payday tonight...

Anyone have any good ideas?

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