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Topics - Hamster

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Off topic / Life cover, income protection and such...
« on: January 19, 2018, 06:19:48 am »
It is time for my fiance to get her income protection etc. sorted and to update my stuff. The company my financial advisor worked at (*cough* NMG) split their financial division into a new company called Morebo. Long story short, it seems impossible to get hold of her. No replies on LinkedIn, emails to her and her assistant's old address do not bounce but do not reply with any kind of details as to what is going on. Maybe I don't make her enough money  :(  :D

Anyway, since I'm no fan of Liberty I thought this is my chance to change from one hell to another like Discovery. Do any of you have any life insurance policies with them, know of any good financial advisors or can recommend another company? (Sanlam, Old Mutual?)

Ideally, I want the FA to sort out all this insurance crap which sometimes goes over my head. A lot of the types of cover etc. look like they overlap so any pointers will be welcome :)

Currently my thinking is to phone these guys:

Shares / I want to experiment with dividends
« on: December 08, 2017, 03:43:01 pm »
Basically, I want to set up a small portfolio on EE focussed on dividends. We're talking really small here, like R5000 odd,b ut taking advantage of their fractional shares I can divide it up proportionally. The idea is to get a feel for it and one day maybe go big!

I've got a few shares in mind but if somebody here that knows a bit more about this can point out a few good ones that'll be great :)

Also, would any of you keep a small amount of PREFTX in there does the downgraded make it too risky?

Off topic / Early car loan repayments
« on: November 16, 2017, 09:07:32 pm »
So let's assume a "bad" financial decision is imminent and you want to buy a car. For the sake of the example we take the possibly worst option and finance it with a balloon payment (let's assume R200k with a 25% balloon (R50k) over 60 months). You stumble across a lump sum and pay off some of the debt. Do you:

1. Reduce your monthly repayment amount (sopay less each month)

2. Reduce the term of your loan (pay the same amount but for a shorter time meaning less interest)

3. Pay off the balloon amount.

Asking for a friend.

Shares / CoreShares Investment Platform
« on: May 17, 2017, 11:30:32 am »

Signup and FICA

All done within 30 minutes and that includes the time it took me to find a valid proof of residence document. I now have a shiny new Investment and Tax Free account :)


Very simplistic. Time will only tell but so far it a very nice experience - free of fluff and NOT PINK!

Costs to Buy
Invest: R1000
Total Cost: R6

Invest: R10,000
Total Cost: R10

Invest R20,000
Total Cost: R20

...that's seriously good!

Costs to Sell
Invest: R1000
Total Cost: R6.84

Invest: R10,000
Total Cost: R11.40

Invest R20,000
Total Cost: R22.80

That would be VAT increasing the costs. So selling is 0.1% brokerage + VAT whereas buying is just 0.1% brokerage.

You can schedule a monthly debit order of min R250 or invest a lump sum of min R1000. The lump sum can be funded by either EFT or debit order. I used the latter.

Minutes later I got an email stating that the transaction was successful and that it will be completed within 3 to 7 days.

Early Verdict
Platform states that ETFs are traded once daily (I assume this helps keeping the costs down). So for the l that can make do with only CoreShare ETFs this seems hard to beat. For a more active approach I'd still go to ABSA's ETF Only.

Shares / Sygnia ETFs coming
« on: January 16, 2017, 06:44:45 am »
So this just happened:

Quote from: Magda Wierzycka
So once you have added all the costs of accessing ETFs you are paying more than you would for an actively managed unit trust.  That is what the ETF providers are skirting around all the time.  Since Sygnia always does things differently, we plan to launch ETFs later this year where we charge nil stockbroking and we guarantee a minimum bid/offer spread.  Let's see if we can shake things up a bit.  But frankly, even with best intentions, I don't think our ETFs will be as cheap as our unit trusts tracking the same market indices.


Off topic / JSE proposes changes to property indices
« on: December 14, 2016, 07:24:24 am »
Over the last couple of years the way that local listed property indices are put together has come under a lot of scrutiny. A number of investors, asset managers and academics have expressed concerns about their construction.


The JSE therefore realised that it needed a new approach, and its proposal is to implement three different property indices. These would replace the current Sapy and the Capped Property Index.

“The first will really target South African real estate investment trusts (Reits),” Randall says. “This is for the investor looking for South African management, South African companies, and mostly South African property.”

The second index proposed by the JSE is an ‘All Property Index’, which would include foreign property companies for the first time.

“The third variant would have a focus on liquidity,” says Randall. “What we want to do is take the All Property Index and only include a subset – those counters in the large and mid cap indices. The thinking there is to get an index that will support a derivative contact on the exchange. At the moment we don’t have any active derivative contacts on Sapy, so we need one that can absorb the kind of volumes you need in that product.”

The JSE has also suggested that any, or all, of these indices could be capped so that no one counter could make up more than a certain percentage of the index. The discussion document shows an illustrative cap of 15%, but Randall says that different people will have different ideas as to what is suitable.

More here:

Shares / CoreShares
« on: September 07, 2016, 02:48:57 pm »
Is it just me or is it near impossible to sell ETFs managed by CoreShares? ABSA and STD Bank's ETFs seem to have the liquidity guaranteed and if the price hits the limit the transaction is executed. With CTOP50 it looks like liquidity is a real issue. Trade is in at market price and only a third has been sold :/

Am I missing something?

« on: September 02, 2016, 11:12:47 am »
OK, so they have vastly different approaches/goals and aren't really comparable, but I read that the NFEMOM's underlying index was changed and apparently it has more down turn protection.

I'm hoping somebody here can tell me more about it because in theory tracking stocks with momentum sounds very good. Problem is that it is rebalanced every month so if something bad starts happening it could be a while before "action" is taken. You're basically buying high and hoping to sell at a higher price just after it starts "crashing". This correct?

Reason is that I'm thinking of converting half my DIVTRX in my TFSA to NFEMOM or maybe replacing the STXIND in my TFSA with it (I actually don't like STXIND that much but I've had it from the start I never wanted to sell...).

Anyway, your thoughts please.

Actually, a "dodgy" thing happened.

I was updating my positions on Bloomberg and to do that I drew the transaction report on my TFSA account. With regards to my DIVTRX:

On the 19th of Jan 2016 I sold all of it which brought my position to 0.
Then, because of site limitations I made 3 buy transactions on the 25th of April 2016. All in all I had bought a total of 747.2106 shares.

But, on the account overview page it shows I only have 727.2104. I went over it again - same result. I then immediately sent an email to them to look into this because somewhere 20 shares have gone missing. (this was yesterday)

Late today I get a response back requesting I send them a screenshot of my overview page (why I do not know since they have the data). I send it to them and then check the screenshot myself - I now have 747.2014 shares. I went back to my document from yesterday to check if I had a brain fart but no, yesterday it showed 727.2104.

So end result - all is fine (save 0.0002 shares that are still missing). The question is:

* was there a data issue that they fixed?
* was this a rebalancing process on their side?
* did something more "untoward" happen?

And then the biggest question - are there any other instances like this where shares are "missing" or don't add up.

Anyway, given past experiences, I just do not have trust in their system atm and come November I'm moving my TFSA to ABSA. It's like a car that keeps on breaking down: I cannot trust their platform.

The Investor Challenge / ALL IS LOST!!! Investor Challenge down :(
« on: April 11, 2016, 10:39:25 am »
Database on holiday?

Shares / Blackrock launching in SA
« on: March 31, 2016, 07:25:42 am »
CAPE TOWN – With offshore investing currently a major theme in South Africa, the availability of international products has become a key interest for local investors and financial advisers. The news that BlackRock has received approval from the FSB to make a range of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and index-tracking mutual funds available in the country is therefore significant.

BlackRock is the biggest fund management company in the world, with assets under management at the start of 2016 of $4.65 trillion. To put that in perspective, the entire South African unit trust industry is only worth about $126 billion.

Of bigger interest to me are these ETFs

A few of the more interesting options include the iShares Developed Markets Property Yield UCITS ETF, the iShares China Large Cap UCITS ETF, iShares Global Infrastructure UCITS ETF, and iShares MSCI World Minimum Volatility UCITS ETF.

Shares / Time to get rid of Astoria?
« on: March 07, 2016, 11:21:27 am »
So Astoria has not been performing at all. Anybody here reckon it is still worth keeping?

At the moment my finger is hovering over the sell button and very tempted to reallocate that money to more NEP.


Off topic / ABSA Stockbrokers
« on: February 17, 2016, 01:46:54 pm »
So my accounts are open, just waiting for my other STANLIB accounts etc. to be closed and get the money transferred  :)

My question is with regards to the trading screen (I've only got real experience with buying and selling on EasyEquities so bare with me). On the screen I've got the option to buy with the following options:

Number of Shares
Order Type (always set to Limit Order)
Limit Price (cps)
Expiry Date

So am I correct in assuming that it is asking me to place an offer to purchase x amount of shares for x amount of money (cost per share) and that the offer is valid till x date? When the criteria is matched the order will execute else nothing will happen?

Shares / TFSA (2016)
« on: February 12, 2016, 09:52:45 am »
So it's been a year, I learnt a lot (fully aware of my n00b status still) and I'd like to get some ideas on what you guys think is the best make up for my TFSA. There was a JSE talk last night on the topic and the video will be posted later today apparently.

So initially I started of with DBXWD and STXIND in my TFSA. But further reading indicated to me that DBXWD in a TFSA is probably not optimal. Reason being that if I invest in DBXWD it is for the long term (I still have another 25-30 years to go before I retire) and all I'll be scoring on one day is not paying capital gains on my earnings (dividends on the it is almost non-existent plus foreign tax etc). Given that we don't know what capital gains will be in 30 years time I'm really seeing no benefit in having it in my TFSA vs having it in my normal long term investment account.

So, my current thinking is this:
GIVFIN - 25%
PTXSPY - 25%

These give reasonable growth vs. dividends. The reason for combining STXIND and GIVIND is to offset the biggish weightings of companies like NPN (maybe split it 65% STXIND, 35% GIVIND).

I really want to come up with a weighting and stick with it for a long time. What do you guys think?

PS: Other considerations include Top40 type ETFs like NFEMOM, MAPPSG, MAPPSP and your regular RMBT40 types. MAPPSP gives better dividends but at the expense of growth. In fact it feels like a waste having a top40 in your TFSA although people like Simon Brown are gaga over the equally weighted one and have it in their TFSAs apparently.

Off topic / ABSA Stockbrokers vs EasyEquities
« on: February 06, 2016, 02:29:17 pm »
So the second year of TFSA's are coming up, I've decided to move some of my investments away from the likes of Stanlib. I've been using EWEfor quite a while and I like it (save the massive portfolio value one can see from tbe office across the road).

Thing is, we are starting g to talk about much larger sums of money than the TFSA's and other speculation investments on it. Do any of you use ABSA's platform? I'm talking specifically their ETF Only and TFSA offerings.

Which platform of the two would you use for the above?

PS: I played with the ABSA demo account, feels more "financial".

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