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Messages - Jaco

Pages: [1]
Shares / Re: TAX Efficient options for cash
« on: February 04, 2020, 11:41:33 am »
I'm considering to "swap" my current property for a smaller one and invest the difference from the sale/purchase. Therefor I've also been thinking about this conundrum.

My one idea is to make a fixed deposit, at the bank, that will end at the end of the tax year. According to SARS the first R23800 from interest is exempt from tax and therefor my deposit shouldn't exceed an amount that would earn more. The rest, if any, will have to go to ETF's or shares. At the end of the year the interest will be paid at the start of the new tax year into my tax free investment and I'll repeat the process with a new fixed deposit.

Thoughts will be appreciated.

Introductions / Hello
« on: February 04, 2020, 09:19:42 am »
Hi, I'm Jaco

I've recently (September) became interested in my personal investments, because my mortgage is nearly paid off. On a near monthly basis I paid extra into that account and have to do something new with my extra money now.

My first step was buying some shares on the JSE. Then I borrowed "The intelligent investor" from the library, which I should've done first. The book made me look closer at the fees charged for my RA and I subsequently move it to a company that charges a lot less annual fees. I've sold the shares (made a minuscule profit) and learned that I will have to invest a lot more time gaining knowledge to go the individual share route.

Currently I'm putting extra money in tax-free investments and I also want to invest in low cost, offshore index funds.

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