Patrick - there are 2 options open to you - change your job where pay scales will allow you to get the increases you believe you are entitled to - this could mean moving companies with the real threat of getting a job that may pay well but is downright boring and soul destroying.
The other alternative is to make yourself indispensable but within job environment that you thoroughly enjoy and look forward to going to work everyday. You then need to do a reality check and determine what your driver is the monetary route or the job satisfaction and enjoyment and a degree of being indispensable. The latter does give you opportunities to negotiate with your bosses for a salary adjustment over and above the norm - the upper level of the scale is only there based on the people who actually earn those salaries so bracket creep can be engineered with skillful negotiation. Also freedom to operate within your space is very important, or it was to me, as the last thing you need are bosses who breathe down your neck daily and constantly