Author Topic: Trading vs. Investing  (Read 51295 times)


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Trading vs. Investing
« on: January 20, 2023, 12:29:42 pm »
Hi Patrick and the rest of the forum,

How are you all these days? Life as a homesteader in Hogsback has been bliss, but one does need to travel to the big cities every now and again to keep up with clients etc.

With the poor performance of the stock market in 2022 has your view on investing changed at all? Do you think the stock market will always go up regardless? I personally feel that we're in much trickier waters these days and that stock market returns are going to be down to around 5-8% pa for a while still. Inflation is here to stay, especially when basic income grants really start kicking in. The socialists would love for inflation to kill the wealth of the 1%.

Hope that all is well your side, wherever you folks may be hiding out these days.

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Re: Trading vs. Investing
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2023, 01:39:36 am »
Good to hear from you again Bevan. I'm hiding out in the northern adriatic at the moment :)

The stock market always goes up, except when it doesn't :D

I'm not concerned about the sideways and downward times, personally I'm convinced it'll start climbing again soon. I've read some estimates that AI is going to give global GDP a multiple percentage boost in the near future too, and given how much I've seen it advancing lately I can believe it.

But even if it doesn't anytime soon, I'd still much rather have my money in the market than in property/cash/buffalos/gold/bitcoin or tulips. And definitely not in boats, they seem to offer endless ways of evaporating both cash and time.

But then there's the upside, as Ratty said to Mole in The Wind in the Willows, “Believe me my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”


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Re: Trading vs. Investing
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2023, 03:54:36 pm »
Yeah, we used to have a weekend yacht at the Vaal Dam. One season after really heavy rains it slipped its moorings, drifted around and sank. I was heartbroken my father wouldn't cough up for salvaging it, but then I wasn't the one having to maintain it. Secretly I think he was relieved. As the old adage goes, "if it flies, floats or f**ks, rent, don't buy."

As for the markets, I'm afraid I don't share your bullishness, but then I always tend to be a contrarian. I see 2023 being another negative return year for the S&P500 index. There are huge tectonic shifts underway with China and the USD hegemony as we speak. CBDC's are also coming to the sheeple, whether they like it or not. I'm staying as far off the radar and off the grid as possible, hiding out in my little homestead with my own water etc.

As for AI, you might be interested to check to check out a recent LinkedIn post of mine....

Even if it doesn't end up wiping us out, I do think that those trying to monetise it are going to get an awful wake up call. Unlike social media, I suspect the majority of humanity are going to reject AI and instead start paying for actual human services. You will get adverts such as, "we promise this was not generated by AI" and "we guarantee you a human on the other end of the line".

And then a little AI joke....
Matilda: Oh look Harold, that little deer wants a carrot, feed it one. Oh, how cute!
Proc 23e79: Oh look Proc 37e18, that human wants a "love poem in the style of Kafka". Feed it one. Oh, I love how their little brains light up.
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Re: Trading vs. Investing
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2023, 09:29:32 pm »
I prefer trading. I still don't know much about these two things but recently I found FX Trading and I want to start doing it. I think I'll start with the theory and learn a little more about it. Maybe you know some good books and can recommend them? I really want to learn this and work for myself
« Last Edit: September 29, 2023, 03:21:53 pm by dianaadr »