Author Topic: The NDR: FW de Klerk's reply to Cyril Ramaphosa  (Read 9800 times)


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The NDR: FW de Klerk's reply to Cyril Ramaphosa
« on: March 15, 2014, 04:16:19 pm »
Read this and weep, that is if you are white.

The NDR: FW de Klerk's reply to Cyril Ramaphosa

Most seriously, the NDR's central goal is a comprehensive state campaign to harm the legitimate interests of citizens on the basis of their race by eliminating what it calls "apartheid property relations" (whatever they may be). "This requires the de-racialisation of ownership and control of wealth, including land; equity and affirmative action in the provision of skills and access to positions of management..."  "De-racialisation", in the NDR's simplistic analysis, means that, ultimately, whites should own 9% of the wealth and land because they comprise 9% of the population - regardless of the legitimacy of their ownership rights, their skills and their contribution to the economy and to society.

I agree with Ramaphosa on the need for section 9(2) measures to promote equality. However, Ramaphosa completely ignores section 9(3) and 9(5), which prohibit unfair racial discrimination by the state and which declare that discrimination is unfair unless it is established that it is fair.

It really is time to emigrate.