I have a conundrum which some forum peoples may have experienced and got a solution to the problem
I want to buy a further 500,000 (NUT) at 1 cent (I have no problem waiting weeks to have the order executed), but I don't want to place the order myself over my brokers on line system as the chances are high that the order will not be executed in a single parcel, thus for every transaction executed it would incur brokerage per transaction. My brokers are not prepared to make it known to other brokers within the country that they have an order for 500,000 shares and then establish what the other brokers have to sell so that the parcel can be fully met. Initially they put me onto a portfolio manager who confirmed that this could not be done, but they were more than eager to assist with my portfolio and evaluate buys and sells.
So my question is has any other forum person been confronted with such a problem and whether their brokers assisted them with such a purchase/sale
Would be interested in knowing, as some 45 years ago when I was in a scrip department this was a normal function of stockbrokers in those days.
Thanks in anticipation to responses