Author Topic: ABSA Stockbrokers vs EasyEquities  (Read 11358 times)


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ABSA Stockbrokers vs EasyEquities
« on: February 06, 2016, 02:29:17 pm »
So the second year of TFSA's are coming up, I've decided to move some of my investments away from the likes of Stanlib. I've been using EWEfor quite a while and I like it (save the massive portfolio value one can see from tbe office across the road).

Thing is, we are starting g to talk about much larger sums of money than the TFSA's and other speculation investments on it. Do any of you use ABSA's platform? I'm talking specifically their ETF Only and TFSA offerings.

Which platform of the two would you use for the above?

PS: I played with the ABSA demo account, feels more "financial".

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