Author Topic: 'Gold will soar 700% in near future'  (Read 11459 times)


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'Gold will soar 700% in near future'
« on: April 13, 2016, 04:34:07 pm »
'Gold will soar 700% in near future': Economist claims precious metal set for $10k an ounce as cyber-criminals hack into digital wealth

Some extracts, but read it all...

He cites hacking, cyber warfare and terrorism as the biggest threats to digital wealth, which is how most money is now held.

He points to the case in Bangladesh last month which saw $80million stolen from its central bank – and he thinks this type of fraud could become more prevalent in the coming years.

'Vladimir Putin has a 6,000-member cyber brigade working night and day to destroy, disrupt and erase digital wealth.

'So how many billionaires do you say "what do you have, stocks, bonds?" No you don't, you have electrons. Putin can wipe those out. The thing about gold, you can't hack it, you can't erase it, you can't delete it. It's tangible.'

Mr Rickards didn't reveal on the programme where he has gathered information that Mr Putin does have a cyber-army of hackers.

If this dude is for real we are deep in it.  :-X


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Re: 'Gold will soar 700% in near future'
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2016, 10:18:56 pm »
'Gold will soar 700% in near future': Economist claims precious metal set for $10k an ounce as cyber-criminals hack into digital wealth

Some extracts, but read it all...

He cites hacking, cyber warfare and terrorism as the biggest threats to digital wealth, which is how most money is now held.

He points to the case in Bangladesh last month which saw $80million stolen from its central bank – and he thinks this type of fraud could become more prevalent in the coming years.

'Vladimir Putin has a 6,000-member cyber brigade working night and day to destroy, disrupt and erase digital wealth.

'So how many billionaires do you say "what do you have, stocks, bonds?" No you don't, you have electrons. Putin can wipe those out. The thing about gold, you can't hack it, you can't erase it, you can't delete it. It's tangible.'

Mr Rickards didn't reveal on the programme where he has gathered information that Mr Putin does have a cyber-army of hackers.

If this dude is for real we are deep in it.  :-X
Maybe this guy needs to be introduced to Clive Roffey - he's the best Gold bull I know
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Re: 'Gold will soar 700% in near future'
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2016, 01:08:07 pm »
Not the first time someone has predicted this kinda thing and probably not the last.