RMA's current holdings are as follows:

Total dividends received: R7 019,55
Cash on hand (including dividends): R142,33 (0.01% of portfolio)
Total fees paid: R4 808,28
Net profit on share sales: R0,00
Tax on profit (reflected on leaderboard): R0,00

CodeNameNo. of sharesAve. cost (excl fees)Current price% growthValue% of portfolio
GND GRINDROD LTD 34914 2584 2188 -15.32% R763 918,32 75.49%
SOL Sasol Limited 575 52156 43117 -17.33% R247 922,75 24.5%

Total worth after tax: R1 011 983,40

Transaction History

Transaction dateCodeNameNo. of sharesPriceValue incl. fees 
2014-01-09 10:05:48 GND GRINDROD LTD 3606 2770 R100 285,74  
2014-02-04 08:53:22 GND GRINDROD LTD 3698 2616 R97 126,64  
2014-03-05 08:37:51 GND GRINDROD LTD 3785 2699 R102 565,78  
2014-04-01 13:13:59 GND GRINDROD LTD 4039 2506 R101 622,21  
2014-05-12 14:58:03 GND GRINDROD LTD 3714 2672 R99 635,03  
2014-06-02 11:00:35 GND GRINDROD LTD 3570 2775 R99 463,77  
2014-07-01 08:45:04 GND GRINDROD LTD 3781 2649 R100 559,32  
2014-08-06 15:23:46 SOL Sasol Limited 166 59589 R99 313,41  
2014-09-04 07:41:15 GND GRINDROD LTD 4109 2449 R101 031,93  
2014-10-03 09:26:33 GND GRINDROD LTD 4612 2235 R103 490,51  
2014-11-10 12:25:18 SOL Sasol Limited 183 55240 R101 493,56  
2014-12-02 12:00:12 SOL Sasol Limited 226 44199 R100 289,30  

Dividend History, if a dividend is missing please go here

LDTCodeNameNo. of sharesDividend per shareTotal dividend
2014-03-13 GND GRINDROD LTD 11089 14.54 R1 612,34
2014-09-12 GND GRINDROD LTD 30302 11.56 R3 502,91
2014-10-03 SOL Sasol Limited 166 1147.50 R1 904,85