bees's current holdings are as follows, note that bees has a 14 day delay before holdings are shown:

Total dividends received: R2 555,73
Cash on hand (including dividends): R702 560,58 (51.11% of portfolio)
Total fees paid: R1 992,01
Net profit on share sales: R0,00
Tax on profit (reflected on leaderboard): R0,00

CodeNameNo. of sharesAve. cost (excl fees)Current price% growthValue% of portfolio
ATL ATLATSA RESOURCES CORP 30000 200 580 190% R174 000,00 12.66%
CIL Cons Infrastructure Grp 3500 1825 2250 23.29% R78 750,00 5.73%
CPI CAPITEC BANK HLDGS LTD 700 20280 20304 0.12% R142 128,00 10.34%
PSG PSG Group Ltd 1500 6400 8217 28.39% R123 255,00 8.97%
STX40 Satrix 40 Portfolio 1722 3587 3991 11.26% R68 725,02 5%
ZED Zeder Inv Ltd 20000 372 426 14.52% R85 200,00 6.2%

Total worth after tax: R1 374 618,60

Transaction History

Transaction dateCodeNameNo. of sharesPriceValue incl. fees 
2013-05-07 16:15:50 CPI CAPITEC BANK HLDGS LTD 700 20280 R142 527,84 Pending  
2013-05-07 16:16:51 ZED Zeder Inv Ltd 20000 372 R74 697,60 Pending  
2013-05-07 16:17:18 PSG PSG Group Ltd 1500 6400 R96 384,00 Pending  
2013-05-07 16:20:44 ATL ATLATSA RESOURCES CORP 30000 200 R60 240,00 Pending  
2013-05-07 16:34:08 CIL Cons Infrastructure Grp 3500 1825 R64 130,50 Pending  
2013-05-08 15:35:38 STX40 Satrix 40 Portfolio 1722 3587 R62 015,21 Pending  

Dividend History, if a dividend is missing please go here

LDTCodeNameNo. of sharesDividend per shareTotal dividend
2013-06-28 STX40 Satrix 40 Portfolio 1722 15.06 R259,33
2013-09-27 STX40 Satrix 40 Portfolio 1722 13.38 R230,40
2013-10-11 CPI CAPITEC BANK HLDGS LTD 700 203.00 R1 421,00
2013-11-01 PSG PSG Group Ltd 1500 43.00 R645,00