Lamak's current holdings are as follows:

Total dividends received: R2 764,70
Cash on hand (including dividends): R602 883,99 (47.91% of portfolio)
Total fees paid: R2 389,96
Net profit on share sales: R0,00
Tax on profit (reflected on leaderboard): R0,00

CodeNameNo. of sharesAve. cost (excl fees)Current price% growthValue% of portfolio
GLD NEW GOLD ISSUER LTD 300 38232 45733 19.62% R137 199,00 10.9%
SHP Shoprite Holdings Ltd 300 24934 29846 19.7% R89 538,00 7.12%
STX500 Satrix S&P 500 ETF 1758 10470 11961 14.24% R210 274,38 16.71%
STXRES SATRIX RESI PORTFOLIO 1929 6450 5500 -14.73% R106 095,00 8.43%
WHL WOOLWORTHS HOLDINGS LTD 1805 5513 6224 12.9% R112 343,20 8.93%

Total worth after tax: R1 258 333,57

Transaction History

Transaction dateCodeNameNo. of sharesPriceValue incl. fees 
2024-03-22 13:31:20 GLD NEW GOLD ISSUER LTD 300 38232 R115 154,78  
2024-03-22 13:33:17 STX500 Satrix S&P 500 ETF 500 10470 R52 559,40  
2024-03-22 13:34:31 STX500 Satrix S&P 500 ETF 1258 10470 R132 239,45  
2024-04-04 16:12:40 SHP Shoprite Holdings Ltd 300 24934 R75 101,21  
2024-05-06 11:43:18 STXRES SATRIX RESI PORTFOLIO 1929 6450 R124 918,18  
2024-06-05 19:05:23 WHL WOOLWORTHS HOLDINGS LTD 1805 5513 R99 907,69  

Dividend History, if a dividend is missing please go here

LDTCodeNameNo. of sharesDividend per shareTotal dividend
2024-09-23 SHP Shoprite Holdings Ltd 300 356.00 R1 068,00
2024-09-23 WHL WOOLWORTHS HOLDINGS LTD 1805 94.00 R1 696,70