Datura's current holdings are as follows:

Total dividends received: R0,00
Cash on hand (including dividends): R600 877,81 (61.39% of portfolio)
Total fees paid: R2 386,67
Net profit on share sales: R0,00
Tax on profit (reflected on leaderboard): R0,00

CodeNameNo. of sharesAve. cost (excl fees)Current price% growthValue% of portfolio
SOL Sasol Limited 4553 13105 8301 -36.66% R377 944,53 38.61%

Total worth after tax: R978 822,34

Transaction History

Transaction dateCodeNameNo. of sharesPriceValue incl. fees 
2024-05-14 18:22:15 SOL Sasol Limited 3651 13275 R486 608,93  
2024-05-16 14:14:39 SOL Sasol Limited 100 13248 R13 368,00  
2024-06-01 11:06:11 SOL Sasol Limited 802 12313 R99 145,26  

Dividend History, if a dividend is missing please go here

LDTCodeNameNo. of sharesDividend per shareTotal dividend