conradl's current holdings are as follows:

Total dividends received: R18 007,85
Cash on hand (including dividends): R200 154,23 (20.14% of portfolio)
Total fees paid: R4 834,00
Net profit on share sales: -R1 859,20
Tax on profit (reflected on leaderboard): -R557,76

CodeNameNo. of sharesAve. cost (excl fees)Current price% growthValue% of portfolio
FBR FAMOUS BRANDS LTD 1001 9970 11013 10.46% R110 240,13 11.09%
SOL Sasol Limited 1585 57499 43117 -25.01% R683 404,45 68.77%

Total worth after tax: R994 356,57

Transaction History

Transaction dateCodeNameNo. of sharesPriceValue incl. fees 
2014-01-06 09:13:14 TAS Taste Hldgs Ltd 26560 375 R99 998,40  
2014-03-03 19:06:55 SOL Sasol Limited 359 55342 R199 472,49  
2014-04-04 15:56:01 TAS Taste Hldgs Ltd -26560 368 -R97 620,80  
2014-04-04 15:56:40 SOL Sasol Limited 335 58410 R196 456,19  
2014-06-10 06:29:27 SOL Sasol Limited 338 60684 R205 932,37  
2014-07-01 08:14:40 FBR FAMOUS BRANDS LTD 1001 9970 R100 198,90  
2014-10-22 18:38:44 SOL Sasol Limited 553 56401 R313 145,12  

Dividend History, if a dividend is missing please go here

LDTCodeNameNo. of sharesDividend per shareTotal dividend
2014-04-04 SOL Sasol Limited 694 680.00 R4 719,20
2014-07-04 FBR FAMOUS BRANDS LTD 1001 144.50 R1 446,44
2014-07-04 TAS Taste Hldgs Ltd 0 5.27 R0,00
2014-10-03 SOL Sasol Limited 1032 1147.50 R11 842,20