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Topics - Patrick

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Comments relating to the new blog post How to lose money in the stock market.

Shares / Graph of the ALSI very long term
« on: August 09, 2013, 09:12:37 am »
Yes I'm working today  :wall:

Luckily the office is very quiet. Anyway to keep myself distracted I was thinking of doing a quick blog post, but I'm looking for a graph of the ALSI very long term. Best I can find on the web is 10 years, but I'd like 50 at least. 100 would be even better. Anyone know where I can get really long term historical data?

Shares / Two-thirds of active fund managers invest in passive funds
« on: August 05, 2013, 08:50:32 am »
What? They should be putting their money where their goddamn mouth is.”

That was the response from one well known but irate US investor when I told him that fund industry professionals appear to be touting the advantages of active management as part of their day job, while investing their personal assets in low-cost passive funds.

Indeed, a poll by Ignites, an FTfm sister publication, of 1,001 fund staff – many of whom make their living promoting active products – reveals that two-thirds have a sizeable amount of their personal savings in passive funds. This includes 45 per cent who say they have a “significant” portion in passive products. Only one in five say they avoid passive funds altogether.

The findings should not be surprising, given that three-quarters of active managers never actually beat the market – a statistic those in the fund business know all too well. It does, however, leave a bitter taste in the mouth.

Here's the full article:

The Investor Challenge / Now displaying transaction history
« on: July 31, 2013, 03:50:31 pm »
I've added the transaction history to all holdings pages. Noticed one very sneaky user, but I'll wait and see who else picks it up...

Off topic / Under attack!
« on: July 24, 2013, 07:31:23 am »
It sucks being popular. Everyone gets jealous and nasty...

In case the rest of you were wondering what went on yesterday afternoon and evening, my server was under a DDOS attack. That's distributed denial of service in non-techie speak.

What it looks like is that someone was jealous that my main site was taking business away from theirs. Attack came from inside South Africa too, nice guys. Kept me up for a few hours. It doesn't look like this site was the target, just unfortunate collateral damage. The target it seems was my main site, a local (uhuhm should I let the cat out of the bag...) dating site  ::)

Anyway, it appeared to stop just after midnight, so I'm really hoping things will be more normal today.

From my ABSA stockbrokers login screen
Please Note: There has been a 1 for 20 share consolidation in GIJ. Clients updated holdings will reflect from 22 July

Appears I'll have to divide all Gijima holdings by 20 over the weekend. I wonder if this will cause the price to drop again like it did with CRD.

If you are wondering about the huge jump up and then back down the leaderboard today, it's due to the fact that Central Rand Gold changed the way they value each share. The change in every day english, is that for every 50 shares you had, you now have 1.

If you had them in your portfolio you'll see the change. Hope you enjoyed the day waaaay on top of the leaderboard, and did some good bragging for a while too  :D

Here's the SENS announcement:
(b) in relation to the register of members of the Company maintained in South Africa:
49 of every 50 Ordinary Shares held by a member as at 5.00 p.m. (South African time) on Friday, 14 June 2013 shall each be redesignated as Deferred Shares;
any Ordinary Shares held by a member who, as at 5.00 p.m. (South African time) on Friday, 14 June 2013, holds less than 50 Ordinary Shares shall each be redesignated as Deferred
Shares; and
any additional Ordinary Shares held by a member following the redesignation in sub-paragraph (b)(i) above shall each be redesignated as Deferred Shares.

It seems my server's RAID controller is acting up, so it's time to do a swap. Should take about an hour and will happen somewhere between 8am and 11am this Friday. Expecting it to take about an hour.

eBikes / A guy I know calls his bike Deathbike
« on: June 06, 2013, 08:58:07 am »
This is a guy on the e-bike forum. He works for zero motorcycles, and at one point decided to use an electric motorcycle motor on a bicycle. Then he upped the amps a fair amount. Love the warning just before he goes "And you know the bike is dangerous"...:

The Investor Challenge / Price updates currently on the blink
« on: May 31, 2013, 11:50:10 am »
Dear all,

Please note that the JSE price listing is currently down, so the leaderboard isn't updating at the moment. :wall:

Hopefully it'll be back before the next deposit arrives tomorrow, but until it's back purchases will be disabled.

Shares / New compound interest calculator
« on: May 28, 2013, 11:24:43 pm »
I was looking for a compound interest calculator that would let me do two things. 1) Let me email the numbers around, and 2) show me the value of my future investment in today's money.

Well after quite some searching I couldn't find one so had to make my own. Here's some example figures I'm using to show a collegue how much money she'd have after 20 years if she gave up smoking and DSTV, and invested the savings on the JSE:

Hope you find it useful  :TU:

The Investor Challenge / Added Satrix INDI to the leaderboard
« on: May 23, 2013, 09:24:54 am »
The INDI has been the best "fund manager" for a while now, so I thought it would be interesting to see how it would rank. I've put it in and backdated the purchases to the closing prices of the opening day, and the first trading day of May.

Shares / Does anyone here gear their investments?
« on: May 22, 2013, 08:49:49 am »
I know the traders do it all the time, but what are the thoughts on gearing your investments? My access bond has funds available at under prime, I've been considering for some time putting into either an ETF or just adding it to my unit trust account.

Obviously the risk here is that the market takes a dive, and at the current levels I think it's too expensive to consider this. Perhaps I'd be better off holding into it, and in the even of a big correction i could use it to double down.

Shares / Vodacom
« on: May 20, 2013, 03:12:32 pm »
This was the first actual share I bought, I'd only held unit trusts up to that point. Of course it immediately dropped after I purchased making me doubt the whole move from UTs to shares, but my other purchases have done better. Anyway, good increase in the dividend today, so it may be a good share to hold purely on that value.

Latest numbers are:
Revenue up 7.8%
Free cash flow up 24.3%
Dividend up 60.7%!

The only concern I have is the increased competition it's going to be facing from Cell C (specially with Knott-Craig at the helm), and Telkom with some very competitive data packages coming out...

The Investor Challenge / Here's the total fees paid by all members!
« on: May 16, 2013, 05:16:32 pm »
If only this was real. Interestingly, the bank would be well near the top of the leaderboard. Take a look below, I've got an up to the minute total of all the fees collected, what a business to be in, pure profit!

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